Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] your [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the use of Carbonflo has not been totally proved yet , I suggest not using it in your diesel .
2 And , you will find that paying by Switch does not restrict you to your cheque card limit .
3 They come in tablets because you are meant to swallow them , not inject them in your vein . ’
4 For , sad to say , this thought does not bring you to your senses .
5 But do not expect me in your bed , Prince Yuan .
6 Thank you , anyway , for not burdening me with your condolences .
7 They 're also on sale at the chemist 's with other formula milks , but you should not give them to your child without talking to your doctor or health visitor first to see if they 're suitable .
8 ‘ I came to warn you , not to lead you to your death .
9 if you do not carry them within your soul ,
10 The corollary of this is that if you absolutely love certain items like cake or chips , do not ban them from your life for ever , not even for a week .
11 Braking his car , he then turned to her and , again with that devastating charm , ‘ I can not return you to your hotel with your insides pleading to be fed , ’ he stated .
12 If a guy owes you that sort of money , you do not squash him with your car .
13 I curse myself for not strangling you in your cradle .
14 In particular , please do not disclose it to your doctor , employer or insurer without first discussing the matter with me .
15 Your Mr may have explained the position to Joe of Samuel McCauls Limited when he was over in Northern Ireland last September , but Joe did not inform me of your company 's position .
16 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
17 Make sure she 's not marrying you for your money . ’
18 If so , please make sure that this does not distract you from your work .
19 Do not fling me from your house
20 I 've not mentioned it to your mother yet , but since the thing is such a success , I think you should stay , through the summer at least .
21 They did not kill him in your name .
22 You 're not draggin' me into your bed , I 'll scream the place down . ’
23 And then — since you can not find it in your heart to love me — we will go our separate ways , for ever and ever , never to meet more .
24 Do n't dip it in your damson gin , another local treat .
25 Do you think I wo n't make it worth your while ? ’
26 ‘ Yon big kettle you use weighs a ton and anyway , I do n't want you on your feet all day . ’
27 That 's why we push your sleeves up cos we do n't want it on your arms do we ?
28 Er you would n't include it on your list of essentials ?
29 and I mean , unless yo , and they said do n't clip it near your throat because it would I felt like clipping it round his throat !
30 Don no do n't do it in your head just write it down there
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