Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [art] [noun sg] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It was true : she had not given a thought to Gazzer .
2 The delay in publication of the original book would probably have been much longer had Medvedev not given the manuscript to Andrei Sakharov to read in October 1988 .
3 The publicity given to the award-winning designs must have helped to establish the popularity of the Second Empire style for certain buildings in Britain and the United States in the 1860s and 1870s , but it did not introduce the style to Britain .
4 I did not enjoy the journey to Blackpool with these grim tidings ; and when I came to the platform to deliver his message to the audience of 4,000 the hall was hushed with anticipation that something ill was in the wind .
5 York winner Sabre Rattler will be backed for the big two-year-old race , but may not give the weight to Urry Urry Urry ( 3.00 ) .
6 That would not present a problem to England 's selectors , since the 16-strong party picked for India already includes one-day specialists Graeme Hick , John Emburey and Neil Fairbrother with eight limited-overs games due to be played on the sub-continent .
7 The promise refers to the post-resurrection days ; it does not provide an exception to Mark 's sharp portrait of Jesus alone as the man uniquely possessed by the Holy Spirit .
8 Kelly , however , ventured the opinion that asking the manager for a statement on where the club were headed did not constitute a threat to Brady 's position .
9 At first he tried halfheartedly to appeal to me not to send the story to England for ‘ the sake of the side ’ .
10 If clubs are that concerned , then why not switch the match to Sunday and get the international players to turn up .
11 Wealth does not restore a person to God .
12 The District 's response was not to appoint a successor to Mrs. Collingwood but to give the Essex Federation Executive the opportunity to take on the tutor-organiser 's work , leaving all teaching to part-time tutors : an arrangement which was still in force at the District 's seventy-fifth anniversary in 1988 .
13 Circumscribed by the injunction — voiced or not , that the machines built around it should not pose a threat to IBM Corp 's proprietary product lines , the designers of the Power RISC created a chip that was heavily slewed towards scientific and technical applications — but the IBM world has changed out of all recognition since then and the RS/6000 is at least as widely used in commercial applications as in technical , while IBM is finding it increasingly hard to sell proprietary systems .
14 ‘ I was not making an expedition to Luxor .
15 ‘ I could not get a flight to Croydon .
16 If you 've the time , why not combine a visit to Australia with an exotic Far East stopover such as Thailand , Singapore , Malaysia and Bali ?
17 But , of course , Nora can not waste a visit to York , and as Mr. Hudson is in the city … ’
18 The Swedish government welcomed the positive opinion , and reiterated its view that neutrality or defence considerations would not form an obstacle to Sweden 's accession to the EC .
19 Do not reply a letter to Lewis until I contact you because I could not be here .
20 She 's to be Australia 's representative at next summer 's Venice Biennial , but if you 're not planning a trip to Italy , just go down to Prince St where Anina Nosei is showing recent examples of her work from 4 to 31 December .
21 I was not planning a trip to Alice Springs , I pointed out .
22 And as she pushed open the forest-green doors of Woodline Design she realised with surprise that she had n't given a thought to Max for some considerable time .
23 ‘ One could n't trust an animal to Weenie . ’
24 You do n't need a line to God now to see the way things are going .
25 Look , the point is , if that 's how it 's being taught , it 's not surprising that most of our alumni ca n't buy a bus-ticket to Bayswater .
26 ‘ If I tell you , what guarantee do I have you wo n't blow the gaff to Dysart anyway ? ’
27 It rained all that night , but that did n't stop a visit to Aunt Marjorie 's at Wimbledon .
28 There are players now valued in the £2m bracket who ca n't hold a candle to Ian in terms of ability and George Graham must be thinking he has bought himself a star on the cheap .
29 Even manager Lawrie McMenemy admitted : ‘ There were times when teams could n't hold a candle to England but that 's all changed now .
30 But she does n't hold a candle to Beth .
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