Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Nancy has not arranged for us to be brought a drink .
2 ‘ I am not prepared for us to be a satellite of Middlesbrough and it appears the majority of Radio One programmes will be coming from Middlesbrough , ’ he said .
3 Similarly , the young lady/old woman figure can not appear to me to be a picture of a young lady unless I possess the concept of age , and all the other concepts involved in that of age .
4 Undoubtedly , as a general rule , the seller wants to get the highest price for his property , and the purchaser wishes to give the lowest , and in that sense it may be said that an expected difference between the parties is to be implied in every case , but unless a difference has actually arisen , it does not appear to me to be an " arbitration " .
5 Undoubtedly , if two persons enter into an arrangement for the sale of any particular property , and try to settle the terms , but can not agree , and after dispute and discussion respecting the price , they say , " We will refer this question of price to AB , he shall settle it " , and thereupon they agree that the matter shall be referred to his arbitration , that would appear to be an " arbitration " , in the proper sense of the term … ; but if they agree to a price to be fixed by another , that does not appear to me to be an arbitration .
6 The European consortium did not appear to us to be particularly cohesive in their aims and objectives .
7 Dad was a regular churchgoer himself , a sidesman , so it just would not do for him to be seen working on such a special day in the Church Calendar .
8 What does his patients charter offer to the thousands of patients who , through the College of Health helpline , have chosen a hospital with a shorter waiting list , but can not get into that hospital because their health authorities will not pay for them to be treated there ?
9 The trustee or personal representative may , inter alia , deal in the securities to which that information relates if his trades are based on the advice of someone who appeared to him to be an appropriate person for whom to seek such advice and who did not seem to him to be prohibited by ss.1 , 2 , 4 , or 5 from dealing .
10 Having eight men from outside the continent in a race did not seem to me to be good business .
11 ‘ Mrs Taylor does not seem to me to be very like Mrs Woolf or Miss Compton-Burnett or Miss Bowen , ’ I had written , for some reviewers thought her too heavily indebted to them .
12 The fact that she had been the ship that had sunk the Rawalpindi and killed my father did not seem to me to be a valid reason for omitting her from the series , for apart from the utter impersonality of a modern sea battle , she was by far the most successful of all the major German surface ships as well as being the happiest .
13 There does not seem to me to be anything in the policy of the new Act which suggests that in this provision Parliament was intending to give those words a different meaning from those which they had been held to bear under the Act of 1914 .
14 ( 2 ) Since the cases before the court are concerned with the taking up of fishing activities by nationals of a member state and the pursuit of those activities in another member state using a vessel registered in that state , article 59 of the E.E.C Treaty on freedom to provide services , which was raised by the Spanish Government , does not seem to me to be applicable .
15 The suggested analogies relied on with ecclesiastical courts and military courts which apply wholly distinct areas of law do not seem to me to be helpful or valid .
16 through great swathes of the public sector does not seem to me to be half-baked .
17 Well the lowest figure , erm we 've already got a level of commitment , we have to have three thousand de-allocations if that was the case , that does not seem to me to be correct .
18 It does not seem to us to be particularly fruitful to discuss highly generalised theories of whether international law is or could be ‘ law ’ as such : if viewed from the perspective of ‘ effectiveness ’ , international law may have to be judged differently , depending on whether , for example , the focus is on regional economic relations regulated by treaties , or on customary law applicable to the laws of war on a universal scale .
19 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
20 However , as the result of a curious intervention by the Official Solicitor ( an officer of the court ) , the Court of Appeal was able to review the decision to imprison , although the three dockers did not ask for it to be reviewed ; and the decision was set aside .
21 I ca n't wait for us to be together . ’
22 This time it did n't occur to me to be frightened .
23 ‘ You do n't sound to me to be in the right condition to spend time with Fishbane . ’
24 Oh well , would n't go to him to be honest
25 I would n't go to him to be perfectly honest
26 But there were eight in my family , so we could n't afford for me to be a pro — they did n't get paid !
27 ‘ There does n't seem to me to be anything wrong with the school she 's in now . ’
28 But it did , just my , my quick sieve every time we got these there always appeared to be a slot where it did n't seem to me to be worth being open and and operating
29 So that 's rather depressing actually , that a lot of students will go into RADAR and various other sorts of defence things which do n't seem to me to be increasing the sum of human happiness .
30 That does n't seem to me to be a very satisfactory way of detecting that these systems were n't working and with such complex systems as we 've got such as the system , it would take one person quite a number of minutes , if not hours , to check all the lights so I very much recommend this system and I should I suppose declare an interest when you start to talk about bulbs
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