Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But we have nothing against foreign investment in British companies , and I can not think why the Hon. Gentleman should take that line .
2 I have not heard even the chief Opposition Treasury spokeman talk in terms of putting one penny on VAT .
3 Reports in mid-October suggested , however , that US and United Kingdom investigators still believed that the new evidence did not rule out the original assumption that the attack had been ordered by Iran and Syria in revenge for the accidental shooting down in July 1988 in the Gulf of an Iranian airbus by the USS Vincennes , when 290 people were killed [ see pp. 36169-70 ; 37898 ] .
4 He has not given up the running battle between them over the question of form , which started out with his victory on accommodation .
5 At present , the acquisition , development , and dissemination of computer methods and the creation of useful machine-readable data are not given anywhere the same credit or standing as traditional forms of research and publication despite the fact that the latter have no greater claim on scholarship and far less a claim on relevance .
6 He can do no better than argue that it involves apprehending things simultaneously rather than in succession though he does not explain how the successful mystic can transcend the limits of the magic number seven , which most psychologists agree is the maximum number of entities that can simultaneously be held before the mind .
7 She was also a kind of mascot of the liberal intelligentsia — had she not come up the hard way from the very bottom of the heap to stand by Miller 's side defying the anti-Communist witch-hunters who wanted to jail him ?
8 Creditors may vote to accept or not to accept either the voluntary liquidation or liquidator .
9 Even if this were n't so , there would probably be good economic reasons for not keeping up the maximum pulse rate all the time .
10 So my answer to the question A is , I am not against a new settlement , of the right scale in the right location , but it is not a panacea , it is not an answer to all the questions , now it 's being offered in terms of a balanced strategy , I say that balanced strategy as put forward does not work , certainly beyond two thousand and six , and may grind to a halt well before two thousand and six if rates of development proceed er as they have done in certain years in the past , so it 's very important to look at that , can we just revisit the public acceptance of the new settlement , of course the public have accepted it and welcomed it , it has certain attractions , I support those attractions , however it 's easy for the public to accept that when measured against certain sites specific proposals that were put to them when they did not know where the new settlement would be , and still do not know , when new settlement locations are put forward it will be quite a different scenario .
11 I really do not know where the hon. Gentleman found the ’ 44 ’ figure .
12 Something must have told him that he 'd not said quite the right thing , for he looked at Zeinab uneasily afterwards .
13 As James says , anger that is left unresolved ‘ does not bring about the righteous life that God desires ’ ( Jas. 1:20 ) .
14 The danger , clearly , is that a tight budget will not bring about the desired response from the financial markets , and business will get the worst of both worlds — continued high interest rates and no help from the budget .
15 Nevertheless , it was a defiant stand which was to be admired even if the final outcome did not bring about the desired result .
16 Should you decide to consult a professional aromatherapist ( see the list of professional bodies in the appendix ) , do not expect exactly the same treatment from every aromatherapist .
17 Members of the public , that is : public figures , says the report , need not expect quite the same degree of sanctuary .
18 ‘ I suppose it does not matter now the French bitch is leaving .
19 Voluntary efforts , by themselves , did ‘ not cover nearly the whole ground ’ .
20 Why else would there already be the reported droves of tour operators and speculators visiting South Africa , if not to set up the same kind of hospitality package deals that South Africans were forced to buy in 1991 ?
21 Sadly many of them did not show quite the high standard of dress they expect of their pupils .
22 Is it not time that the Government stood up and were counted by telling the Turkish Government to remove their troops from occupied Cyprus and saying that if they do not do so the British Government will veto any attempt by Turkey to join the EC ?
23 If this is not done then the full range of triceps movement has not been achieved and full contraction will not be carried out , thus inhibiting development .
24 Unfortunately , people do not feel quite the same craving to buy products made of recycled materials .
25 For all their talk about the wisdom of the marketplace , the Thatcher government could not give up the paternalistic idea that they had to regulate the independent television companies , with the continuation of the Independent Broadcasting Authority in the guise of an Independent Television Commission .
26 Zuccarelli Labs also says that the patent does not give away the real secret of the invention .
27 Even if — which in some cases is a big ‘ if ’ — the patent system does not give away the vital clue to an innovative product of process , innovating enterprises now increasingly prefer to keep their knowledge to themselves in order to preserve their options on when , where and how to market it .
28 The local newspapers in Ulster printed our press statements , but did not follow up the Black story on their own despite the clear indications of sinister and dramatic happenings .
29 Each writer does not follow exactly the same order in the arrangement of his material .
30 In turn , the owner is blaming her local council for not paying out the full amount of housing benefits to her tenants .
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