Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had not recognized my feelings for one of the women in the women 's group as being of any significance .
2 Devastated , Charles was determined not to lose her love for good .
3 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
4 One of the characteristics of judicial review is that the supervising court does not substitute its decision for that of the public authority ; rather it leaves it to the body to make good its illegal behaviour by making a fresh decision which complies with the requirements of the law .
5 The court accepted that it should not substitute its judgment for that of the agency .
6 Lord Greene M.R. stressed that the court should not substitute its view for that of the corporation , and then proceeded to examine what the term unreasonableness meant in this context .
7 ‘ I do not doubt your competence for one moment , Miss Kenton .
8 It signed a standstill agreement under which it promised not to increase its holding for three years .
9 ( We do not specify its value for other values of b . )
10 She has not seen her children for two years .
11 These will be offered to you when you first register with a doctor or if you have not seen your doctor for some time .
12 Apart from the fact that she believed her teeth to be on the point of falling out , she had not had her period for several weeks and was afraid that she was barren .
13 Very angry with me as he had not got his cheque for 82 for ex pupil 's tools .
14 Parents would not see their children for most of the day , and when they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest .
15 If you 've not used the colour changer before , or not used your ribber for more than welts , it is wise to start by using the colour changer just to knit striped plain rib .
16 I have not crossed your mind for three weeks now ,
17 Although Joe Nichols in the New York Times wrote that ‘ Lester Piggott rode with the competence that has stamped him as one of the world 's great riders , and brought his mount home in time ’ , the Washington Post thought that ‘ there could be fault-finding with Piggott 's tactics in tucking in on the rail and not asking his mount for more of the effort he had in reserve ’ .
18 His successors did not share his passion for maritime affairs ; and in the 1730s and 1740s the fleet he had created was allowed to decline sharply in numbers and efficiency .
19 Not misuse their authority for personal aggrandizement or gain .
20 Some social service departments provide a laundry service for people with incontinence , or who can not manage their laundry for other reasons .
21 Inspectors , it is reported , discovered that two farmers had not declared their income for 11 years during which their actual earnings were £900,000 and £250,000 .
22 The probe started after the Revenue discovered that two Welsh farmers had not declared their income for 11 years in which time their actual earning amounted to £90,000 and £250,000 .
23 But , after fifteen years alone on the island , I was afraid , and I did not leave my cave for three days .
24 If the skunk has not squirted its glands for some time , then it is primed for about six powerful shots at the enemy , but it is unlikely to use all its ammunition at once because it will take about a week for replenishment and the animal can not afford to risk being cornered empty-glanded by a second predator .
25 Tiebout 's analysis was framed as a direct response to Samuelson 's ( 1954 ) conclusion that individuals would not reveal their preferences for public goods .
26 What , what it 's frustrating for a slow bowler is that if the batsman put his left pad down the wicket and held his bat up in the air , clearly not playing his shot for all to see , then I 'm sure that we , you know , it , the batsman be given out L B W quite frequently , but because the bat is hovering just behind that left pad erm , he 's never given out .
27 The majority of offenders against this offence say that they forgot to renew their licence , which does not diminish their liability for this absolute offence ( i.e. not requiring any guilty knowledge or mens rea ) .
28 Many have not changed their decor for 20 years or more .
29 HARD-UP Brighton have not paid their players for six weeks and backroom staff have not had wages for two months .
30 A few teachers have still not paid their fees for 1981 .
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