Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The original division between those mentally handicapped children who were considered educable and those who were not formed some basis for the future classification of the mentally handicapped .
2 Given the success in getting the Israelis and Palestinians round the table , would it not make more sense for the Government to right that wrong and ensure that , during our presidency from July onwards , we talk directly to the PLO ?
3 I do not make any award for the sums claimed from disposable income for her employment during the said , the alleged year off , since I 'm not satisfied she would have had a year off , or would have had any disposable income even if she had taken that year .
4 Still , it would be churlish not to greet this release for the light it casts on an age long gone .
5 On top of that Sumner practically accused Microsoft of biasing the test parameters in favour of Word and not allowing enough time for the testers to fully explore the respective packages .
6 At the Appeal today , Lord Lane said dabbling in heroin is dabbling in potential death , but Clarke , a machinist from Malvern , was not given enough credit for the fact that he had pleaded guilty .
7 The type of sampling used in the five community studies is quotasampling , and our main concern is not to claim absolute representativeness for the whole city , but to guard ourselves against the accusation that our informants might be hand-picked from amongst friends and neighbours — or , worse , from our students .
8 On the other hand , cash reserves do not earn any return for the bank .
9 It did not include any formula for the future determination of pay , a principal element of the unions ' original claim , and ambulance workers on Merseyside declared an all-out stoppage from Feb. 26 until the results were known of a national membership ballot , in which , however , 81 per cent supported acceptance of the deal ( as announced on March 13 ) .
10 The reason is that despite the presence of what ? in the formula what do/does/did … do ? this question is really a substitute for the verb phrase as a verb phrase ; it does not assume any object for the verb : ( 25 ) the nurses swam at the weekend : what did the nurses do at the weekend ?
11 It has not accepted legal responsibility for the deaths .
12 It seemed scarcely conceivable that the leadership had not made sufficient provision for the troops wintering in Russia .
13 This is probably true of all human beings irrespective of culture and simply means that some degree of maturation of the ego must occur at around the age of seven even if the culture does not choose that moment for the installation of the superego .
14 Well before the end of July , however , Blum was facing a cabinet divided on the issue , vociferous opposition from the French right , and clear signals from the Baldwin government in Britain that it would not welcome French support for the Republic .
15 He said : ‘ I do not feel any mercy for the IRA .
16 If constitutional theory does not provide positive support for the Gould thesis , what of judicial practice ?
17 The available evidence does not provide clear support for the Samuelson hypothesis for index futures , and the studies using implied volatility suggest that volatility declines as delivery approaches .
18 Does it not provide further evidence for the argument that if money is available it should be spent not on tax cuts but on our health service ?
19 VAT does form part of the Institute of Taxation exams , but it is covered ‘ relatively superficially ’ and would not provide enough expertise for the successful candidate to become a VAT consultant .
20 The applicants in the main proceedings considered that the Common Fisheries Policy did not provide any justification for the provisions of the Act of 1988 .
21 The fears of retribution were heightened by a directive from Washington not to assume any responsibility for the rehabilitation of Japan nor to assume the obligation to maintain any particular standard of living .
22 I have not got enough land for the horses ' longer holidays , but with friendly farmers around I am able to rent two big ‘ safe ’ fields which are a couple of miles away from home .
23 They had a son but divorced eight years later , and did not see each other for the next 45 years , until January when they met at an 80th birthday party of Dougan 's sister Gwendoline .
24 I do not see any basis for the figure that the hon. Gentleman advances .
25 Up until February this year , this was achieved through a retrospective grant claim procedure and did not entail additional spending for the Regional Council .
26 I have not used this method for the sample in the photograph as I have used King Cole Anti-Tickle wool which cables easily without the extra yarn .
27 It would be implicit that City employees know that they are not to use confidential information for the purposes of insider dealing .
28 To ask me to give commitments in advance of the review is an outrageous request , and I can not meet that commitment for the reasons that I have given .
29 Type 2 , when the parent is not providing sufficient nutrition for the child .
30 Mrs Thatcher did not have much time for the body and abolished it after the election victory in 1983 — an example perhaps of her dislike for so-called ‘ professional ’ advice that purports to be above party politics .
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