Example sentences of "[adv prt] through the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We wandered past the Delhi Gate and on through the crumbling streets of Old Delhi ; as we went , Pakeezah stared sadly around her .
2 Patronage did not die out with industrialization ; it lived on through the honorific offices of county clubs and national bodies .
3 On the other hand , two crews decided to run beyond the jetty and get in through the low reeds beyond a willow tree at then end of the jetty .
4 A heavy south easterly swell rolling in through the wide sounds to the north of Bressay threw Venturous on her beam ends several times , so much so that fuel oil spilled over through the deck breather pipes .
5 The first time she rang the bell and went in through the front doors of the elegant old house where the showrooms were situated ( Mattli had no rear entrance ) Paula felt she was stepping into the place of her dreams .
6 Do you feel that it 's pointing the right way , bringing the sun in through the right windows at the right time of day ?
7 Back home , he dreamt , he filled the whole flat with buckets of earth , even filled soup dishes and the kettle and the wineglasses with soil , and spent hours watering them and moving them carefully around every day , carrying them from room to room so that they would be struck in turn by whatever sunshine came in through the different windows at different times of the day , making sure they were kept warm .
8 There was a layer of grey-blue smoke in the room at about shoulder level , and a big wave in it , probably produced by me as I came in through the double doors of the back porch .
9 By the 14th Serafin is being steered back across Whitehall , out of the pale sunshine , and in through the threatening corridors of the Cabinet Office towards these peaceful quarters at the rear , where rooms have already been quietly set aside for him .
10 The smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus .
11 Just as her words were out one of the charity women came chattering in through the open doors to the terrace .
12 If you are using Windows then this scheme is particularly easy because all you have to do is click your way down through the duplicate directories in the File Manager until you ca n't find another copy of the directory and then drag the current version into the final old copy .
13 If rabbits do become cornered and then located there are no difficulties digging down through the minor roots from the thicket .
14 With the drainage sill in place , drill down through the pre-drilled holes into the frame below .
15 And he actually took her arm , quite simply and confidently , and rushed her on the wings of his enthusiasm down through the green complexities of the bowl , between the crisp , serrated walls , across the fragments of tiled pavement , past the forum pillars , down to where the emerald turf sloped off under a token wire barrier to the riverside path and the waters of the Comer .
16 There are some noteworthy differences in brain physiology , apart from the massive increase in brain size , as one passes up through the other primates to man .
17 The floorboards struck ice up through the unprotected soles of her feet .
18 Beyond the houses the lane became a rough track crossing a bridge towards the forestry development , climbing up through the young trees of the forestry and out on to open country towards the summit of Shunner Fell , where , after much bog-trotting and splashing about , we hit the line of ash palings that had been laid down here to stop further erosion of the Pennine Way but which had very largely sunk into the bog .
19 Ruth asked one afternoon as they sprawled under a shady carob tree , hot and exhausted after climbing up through the narrow streets of a village to find a goat track that led up a hillside to a secluded olive grove .
20 I lay back and stared up through the intricate branches into the sky .
21 There is a choice , but if you need a clue look back through the five editions of Environmental Issues !
22 As they walked back through the haunted lanes of the Salamanca gardens , Cleo voiced her thoughts to Lorimer .
23 Angry at his ineffectiveness and at the way Rohmer had made him a bystander in this nightmare , Cardiff followed them back through the savage whirlwinds towards the office block .
24 The stranger was led back through the empty trains to the car shed pits where he could gain access to the street .
25 ‘ Take the cases ! ’ said Damian bitingly , his hand gripping Rachel 's arm and marching her out through the sliding doors to the limousine .
26 He flung himself down the marble stairs , and out through the front doors of the school .
27 The surface had just begun to shimmer in the light when Mrs Rosalia Alderley came out through the French windows of the ballroom and stopped , staring in thunderstruck amazement .
28 Ashley looked beyond his shoulder , out through the French windows to the trees .
29 I looked out of the wind-shaken carriage , where people were moaning and cursing and making vows to start going by bus , or take the car next time , or buy a car , or learn to drive … looked out through the rain-spattered sheets of glass , watching the cold January day leach out of the grey skies above the drenched city , and witnessed the rain fall upon the tramped-on , pissed-on , shat-on grass of the narrow path in the scrubby field with a feeling of wry but nevertheless wretched empathy .
30 I slipped out through the double gates of the burial ground to the Horse Fair , and we crept into the loft over the stable there .
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