Example sentences of "[adv prt] on the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 we read ‘ it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ’ ( referring to the Old Testament sacrifices ) but in verse 12 we read ‘ But this man , after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever , sat down on the right hand of God . ’
2 WHEN HE HAD BY HIMSELF PURGED OUR SINS , sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high . ’
3 I sat down on the only patch of turf
4 In the dying firelight he looked down on the sleeping face of Joe the Fish .
5 As they stood shining their torches down on the twisted bits of metal , they saw it was the mangled remains of a Uzi .
6 The sun blazed down on the ancient circle of stones , bees buzzed diligently as they searched for late pollen , and birds sang cheerfully in the nearby trees .
7 She was hit and caught fire while going in to attack at low level and her pilot Don MacIntyre brought her down on the frozen surface of nearby Lake Hocklingen .
8 Her window had been wide all night and as she got out of bed she looked down on the dusty heads of trees where sparrows were fussing .
9 He sat down on the far side of the room and I caught only a brief view of him through the dancers , but it was undoubtedly Ralph Pike still at large .
10 A long linear fissure opened abruptly on 13 May , well down on the eastern slopes of the volcano , and at a height of only 1,800 metres .
11 Setting her firmly down on the wide base of the large shower cubicle , he swiftly turned on the taps , before joining her beneath the cascade of fresh water .
12 Technically he is excellent but you have noticed that he is falling down on the supervisory aspects of his job .
13 The government 's response to mounting criticism was to crack down on the principal advocates of reform .
14 Down on the southern edge of Zone One , you can hear sirens most of the time ; you could imagine that wild animals roamed the park outside Pascoe 's window , the constant whoop-screech-whoop their cries .
15 She sat down on the other side of the desk .
16 A hundred yards down on the other side of the road a knot of men were gathered .
17 ‘ I 've a hunch , ’ he said , putting the heavy volume down on the other side of the board to the knives and the water .
18 By the light of the fires he could see Paul already sitting cross-legged on a buffalo skin by the pholy , and he sank gratefully down on the other side of him .
19 She dropped down on the other side of the sweetheart plant from Rain , bowed her head , rested her right hand lightly on the keys , shut her eyes tight and concentrated .
20 Clinging to this assurance , Isabel listened to the rain beating down on the other side of the wall and refused to think about her peculiar reactions to fitzAlan any longer .
21 A tiny , rotund figure was stamping up and down on the daubed green of the false ground , like a drunken redneck at a hoedown , or an aboriginal at a corroboree .
22 From the terrace beside the chapel you look down on the playing fields of Eton .
23 He reached towards her with his strong hands and pressed them down on the fine-boned structure of her shoulders , massaging with rhythmic , kneading movements .
24 By common consent they sat down on the wet seat of ‘ Traveller 's Rest ’ , huddled under the umbrella , and stared out across the city .
25 Most conference venues fall down on the little matters of personal caring .
26 Turn right into er what is a very busy er road in any event at that time but that the dangers is that many drivers are becoming impatient with waiting their turn in the queue and what they 're doing is driving down on the wrong side of the road in order to utilise a little back road that 's a service road which runs alongside road and leads into Nightingale avenue .
27 He went back to the girl , sat down on the opposite side of the desk and gave a brisk nod .
28 At the end of this road , walk a short way over the grassy hillside and look down on the turquoise waters of the bay ( Baia de Abra ) .
29 He sat down on the top step of the landing outside numbers 3 and 4 .
30 Six weeks later , CT scanning showed a bulky pancreas and a large pseudocyst of the lesser sac , with fluid tracked down on the left side of the retroperitoneum in the anterior compartment , anterior to Gerota 's fascia as far as the left iliac dossa .
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