Example sentences of "[adv prt] with [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had to chow down with the others in the common-room now she was mobile .
2 And you can think of that pretty easily if you look at your table erm just write down with the charges on the the ions what H two S O four looks like .
3 To the right of the front panel the power and reset buttons are cleverly moulded to fit in with the contours of the case .
4 This winsome description fits in with the descriptions of the messianic age in the book of Isaiah , with the wolf lying down with the lamb , the lion and the ox eating straw together , and the little child playing happily and fearlessly with them and even putting its little hand unhurt into the hole of the poisonous viper .
5 Having worked out the general layout , the main outlines of the plants and substrates and so on were drawn in with the washes of the appropriate colours .
6 ‘ Is course relevant to functions and development of library service , how does it fit in with the needs of the employees who should attend ?
7 ‘ We must ensure that the support materials we prepare for teachers are as closely tied in with the demands of the curriculum as possible , especially with the new 5 – 14 guidelines , and my first priority has been to talk to Educational Advisers throughout Scotland .
8 However , it got me well in with the sisters of the peace camp .
9 This is a great blessing , for now they are so near , Ronnie can pop in with the children on the way home from school .
10 There are many reasons , apart from the trading of favours , for a legislator or bureau-crat going along with the wishes of the man in the White House .
11 Now the clothes , The Diamond and Pearl Collection , are being marketed to the public from this month and Apache was invited to try them out along with the models at the launch — and he was delighted .
12 The Joneses have just been asked to find 15 years ' back rent along with the residents of the other 17 flats at Shire Court in Swindon .
13 At the next meeting , the proposals were considered one by one , along with the views of the sub-committee ; every proposal was criticized and a highly critical sub-committee report was adopted nem. con. , with Sir Harry Samuel finally abstaining after failing to convince his colleagues of the rightness of the proposals .
14 Along with the Etudes on the fourth disc is Children 's Corner , and here again the playing often strikes me as dull , as in the ‘ Serenade of the doll ’ and ‘ The snow is dancing ’ , which are both on the slow side .
15 It does this by adding an ‘ APPROVED-BY ’ record to the module header , under ‘ MODIFICATION-RECORDS-ARE ’ , along with the initials of the approver , the date and any caveat supplied by the approver .
16 Zak said Nell was along with the passengers in the reception area , and that he wanted to go and see how things were shaping .
17 Along with the fitters at the tunnel , looking after the locos and slushers in the tunnel and all the rest of the
18 The Company decided to terminate the project , along with the jobs of the design team .
19 Both will be sent for analysis and the results should be ready this evening along with the results of the scan .
20 The prerequisites for their successful implementation are identified along with the implications to the company of commencing a Quality Circle programme .
21 This observation , along with the implications of the performance shown by group Partial , will be taken up later , p.100 . )
22 The great value of this is that the searcher can look up the name of an author known to have published in the field of interest and , if any previously published work of the author has been cited , the item will appear along with the names of the citing authors .
23 The modules are listed beside each package version along with the names of the files which that package version uses to transfer them in and out of LIFESPAN .
24 The Government were also planning to set aside the results of another competition that they had held for model barracks and this , along with the revelations over the fate of the Government Offices competition , provoked the Council of the Institute into action .
25 But your your proposal was not accepted and the budget went through with no cuts to the benefits or the remuneration for the Councillors .
26 After the hour-long service Diana drove off with the boys in the back to Kensington Palace .
27 By doing this the work of the council is expedited and the officers of the council are able to get on with the instructions of the committee without waiting for confirmation by the council of the decisions of the committee .
28 The resources which go to make such a development possible are bound up with the processes of the marketing and the production of the romance volume .
29 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
30 He always comes up with the goods on the day . ’
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