Example sentences of "[adv prt] by the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When once the German impetus had exhausted itself , ground down by the lethal barrages from the Bois Bourrus guns , the inevitable French riposte would — within 24 hours — push the survivors back again .
2 Development in the Third World has stalled , ground down by the relentless wheels of the global economic machine .
3 The person whose grass or corn is eaten down by the escaping cattle of his neighbour , or whose mine is flooded by the water from his neighbour 's reservoir , or whose cellar is invaded by the filth of his neighbour 's privy , or whose habitation is made unhealthy by the fumes and noisome vapours of his neighbour 's alkali works , is damnified without any fault of his own ; and it seems but reasonable and just that the neighbour , who has brought something on his own property which was not naturally there , harmless to others so long as it is confined to his own property , but which he knows to be mischievous if it gets on his neighbour 's , should be obliged to make good the damage which ensues if he does not succeed in confining it to his own property .
4 The horsemen of Ellyrion were pulled down by the foul beasts of Chaos .
5 These were thrown down by the Persian invaders in 480 , and shattered remains preserved for us in terraces and foundations of the fifth century .
6 For two and a half years she has received no medical attention and has thus been denied one of the most basic conditions laid down by the United Nations for the detention of prisoners awaiting trial — namely , the right to choose her own doctor .
7 Unfortunately , the articulate voices of anger get shouted down by the bad boys in the back of the room : NWA outsells Fishbone and the Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy by about 50 to one over here .
8 The " marker " price of North Sea Brent crude , which had already risen by 60 per cent in six weeks to $24 per barrel on Aug. 3 , passed $30 per barrel on Aug. 22 , with production down by the 4,000,000 barrels per day of lost Iraqi and Saudi production .
9 The 1992 world champion had been in a subdued mood all weekend and it was clear he was being worn down by the continuing rumours over his future .
10 But Coun. Robson said residents felt they had been let down by the original developers of the site and by Leech .
11 I trust you will look favourably on both these applications and on any others that may be sent in by the various organisations within the village .
12 expressed the opinion , concurred in by the other members of the court , that a contractual right of one party to an action to have the costs of the action paid by another party to the action could not override the discretion as to costs given to the court by Ord. 62 , r. 3(2) and section 51(1) of the Act of 1981 , but that where an order for payment of the costs was sought , the discretion should ordinarily be exercised so as to reflect the contractual right .
13 Some are pulled in by the package-holiday attractions of Ayia Marina , the island 's miniature experiment in Costa Bravado .
14 In silence they passed down the grandness of Whitehall , hemmed in by the blank facades of bureaucracy , ministries where men and women toiled in cold obscurity .
15 An understanding of the biotic and expressive orders supplies us with an improved appreciation of human agency ; one which means we need no longer envisage people as automatic pilots swept along by the broad forces of capitalist processes and social relations .
16 For twenty paces you can feel your way along by the low walls to your right .
17 The Lebanese army on July 24 began the repossession of buildings which had been taken over by the various militias during the civil war .
18 The jail was the scene of a hunger strike during the War of Independence after it was taken over by the military authorities in 1915 .
19 Do n't be put off by the two sets of coordinates .
20 The light above her was remote and useless , blocked off by the triangular edges of the staircase .
21 But later he stigmatised them as ‘ the social scum , the passively rotting mass thrown off by the lower layers of the old society . ’
22 Its activity depended on its being sufficiently similar to be taken up by the chemical processes of the virus but sufficiently different to be useless to the virus and to jam its works .
23 The friendly atmosphere of St Catherines Lodge Hotel has been built up by the present owners over many years .
24 The joint declaration was based on a 14-page draft document drawn up by the participating countries at a preparatory meeting in Bolivia on Jan. 10 [ see p. 37182 ] .
25 Then , for more than 300 years until the legions left , the Romans ruled Britain , bringing their talent for organisation to the country , building roads which made travel easier , and all the time controlling the province through the administration of Roman law — backed up by the powerful legions of the Roman army .
26 The bridge , named after Francis Joseph 's empress , was blown up by the retreating Germans in 1944 and the present structure dates from the early 1960s .
27 Further proposals for defence cuts had been drawn up by the armed forces in November 1989 on Cheney 's orders , in an effort to save some $180,000 million in the period to 1994 .
28 This conventional view is summed up by the dominant reactions to the 1981 Brixton disorders .
29 The programme for the first year was drawn up by the three partners during a week-long visit to Fife .
30 The new body — to be set up by the 12 countries of the European Community and the six countries of the European Free Trade Association — would be open to east European states who opt for democracy .
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