Example sentences of "[adv prt] a [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After that I would shower them away , and peering over my side — all in my mind — would watch them being swept down a hillside in a cleansing torrent of water .
2 EVER since I saw David Bellamy disappearing down a crack in a garden path to demonstrate that we all had our own ‘ personal schooool of evolution ’ close at hand , I have been prepared to concede him an eternal place among the inexorably tenacious .
3 Fielding 's novels contain plenty of barbarous squires , who would as soon hunt down a parson as a fox , and whose houses are too muddy and unruly to be in any sense comfortable , much less seats of self-fruition .
4 An hour runs down a gutter into a drain .
5 " The burial regulations and provision of mourning " , notes Stephen Jones , " make it plain that many a coasting man did not want to go to his maker like his deep-sea brother , sliding down a plank in a canvas sack with the last stitch through his nose " .
6 They went in through the white painted door , down a passage into a kitchen .
7 ‘ There 's no difference between doing this in a small place like Northwich and closing down a pit in a mining village . ’
8 She 's half-turned away , hanging up or taking down a dress from a hook .
9 At last some passed me with books ; I stopped them , and found the books to be Bibles : it was all clear now , they were going to a week-day preaching , and shortly after , as the road wound down a glen over a burn , I met the Free Church minister on his way to the place of meeting .
10 Earlier still , rumour had it that England selectors needed only to whistle down a mine-shaft for a couple of fast bowlers to arrive in the next cage .
11 Erm you go down a bit of a lane and it 's gets you on the through road does n't it ?
12 From here he escapes and leaps down a cliff onto a beach .
13 You drove down a slope to a depth of 50 or more feet , and found yourself in a spacious area which was brightly lit .
14 ‘ It 's easy to edit now electronically , but in those days , where editing was done by looking down a microscope for a metal ink pulse , cutting the tape physically with a guillotine and then joining edges together with sticky tape , it took a very long time and could be very wasteful . ’
15 One of the machine tenders used a piece of wood to knock down a catch on a door in the base of the copper sheathing around the bottom of the barrel .
16 I thought of an Alison on it , moving down a gangway with a trolley of drinks .
17 It is better to control them during this ‘ in-ground ’ period , the best control being achieved by watering down a solution of a chemical , one of a group with the long name ‘ chlorinated hydrocarbons ’ , and used primarily in this case on lawns as a wormkiller .
18 When the island was about a hundred metres over my head , they let down a seat on a chain .
19 He 's toned them down a hell of a lot .
20 The mountain troop of the 4th Squadron were devising a crib which involved a lifesize figure of the baby Jesus abseiling down a mockup of a cliff face towards a rock grotto containing an edelweiss , the symbolic flower of the German Wehrmacht mountain troops .
21 I entered it because I thought it would increase my confidence ; once you 've walked down a catwalk in a swimsuit , you can face most things .
22 She managed to hold down a job as a journalist with a local newspaper , but was finding it increasingly difficult to produce a reasonable standard of work when suffering from PMS , which was sometimes debilitating .
23 If downpipes get blocked you could try pushing down a pole with a rag tied to the end .
24 He fell down a ladder as a result of the defendant 's negligence and cut his leg .
25 He would not let out until he had pulverised his ‘ cell-mate ’ and fed it down a chute into a wheelbarrow outside . ’
26 To obtain evidence that you posted an item we strongly advise you to ask for a certificate of posting when you hand in a parcel at a post office counter .
27 The deans and chaplains of colleges were nervous lest the evangelicals bring in a firebrand of a missioner who would repel their undergraduates not only from his mission but from religion .
28 At seven-thirty an officer brought in a tray with a bowl of semolina mixed with stewed dry fruit .
29 Her hand slid along a wall to a light switch .
30 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
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