Example sentences of "[adv prt] a [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Daleks and Mechonoids fight a mutual battle of annihilation , the humans escape down a rope to the jungle below , apparently losing Steven Taylor in the hasty retreat .
2 Despite subtitles which obviously struggle to get the profane poetry of Tarantino 's script , the film goes down a storm with the festival audience , though the torture does send some people scurrying for the door , among them one Wes Craven , director of the first Elm Street movie and much else .
3 TOLLY beer from Suffolk is going down a storm among the wine drinkers of Italy.And ale from Tolly 's Cliff Brewery in Ipswich could soon be wetting the whistles of beer-lovers in Canada , Germany , Holland and France.Tolly bosses are celebrating after exporting 1,200 cases of their special Year Beer , Cantab , to Italy — and they have received inquiries from four other countries.Brian Cowie , Tolly 's joint managing director , said interest from abroad had initially come since the brewery 's name had been publicised on BBC television 's recent Troubleshooter programme .
4 After that I would shower them away , and peering over my side — all in my mind — would watch them being swept down a hillside in a cleansing torrent of water .
5 They withdrew down a gulley to the beach under fire that intensified as they remained below the cliffs , a sea mist shrouding their signals to the landing craft .
6 EVER since I saw David Bellamy disappearing down a crack in a garden path to demonstrate that we all had our own ‘ personal schooool of evolution ’ close at hand , I have been prepared to concede him an eternal place among the inexorably tenacious .
7 One of the counters had fallen down a snake to the bottom of the pit .
8 Fielding 's novels contain plenty of barbarous squires , who would as soon hunt down a parson as a fox , and whose houses are too muddy and unruly to be in any sense comfortable , much less seats of self-fruition .
9 Daniel slapped down a florin on the counter and caught the landlord 's eye .
10 Included are a water wheel , water float , his very own magnetic brave diver who dives from Bathtime Bear 's nose and slides down a shoot into the water .
11 An hour runs down a gutter into a drain .
12 The shopkeeper slammed the door behind them and quickly pulled down a blind with the word CLOSED on it .
13 " The burial regulations and provision of mourning " , notes Stephen Jones , " make it plain that many a coasting man did not want to go to his maker like his deep-sea brother , sliding down a plank in a canvas sack with the last stitch through his nose " .
14 They went in through the white painted door , down a passage into a kitchen .
15 ‘ There 's no difference between doing this in a small place like Northwich and closing down a pit in a mining village . ’
16 She 's half-turned away , hanging up or taking down a dress from a hook .
17 At last some passed me with books ; I stopped them , and found the books to be Bibles : it was all clear now , they were going to a week-day preaching , and shortly after , as the road wound down a glen over a burn , I met the Free Church minister on his way to the place of meeting .
18 Earlier still , rumour had it that England selectors needed only to whistle down a mine-shaft for a couple of fast bowlers to arrive in the next cage .
19 It provides tools for breaking down a painting into the light , colour and space used by the painter .
20 The WRU yesterday turned down a request by the Merit Table clubs for a meeting tomorrow to discuss the proposed national leagues .
21 Police broke down a door at the back of the house and ordered four people inside to leave with their hands on their heads .
22 Erm you go down a bit of a lane and it 's gets you on the through road does n't it ?
23 Once Buckthorn disturbed a snake , and leapt into the air as it whipped between his paws to vanish down a hole at the foot of a birch .
24 22 Something 's just gone down a hole in the skirting board .
25 Many busy working people have this quality of appeal , workpeople who will share an interest in what they are doing in an office or down a hole in the street .
26 From here he escapes and leaps down a cliff onto a beach .
27 On the left the slope broke off and fell down a cliff to the river . "
28 Try its lively , grassy , gooseberry-like '90 Sauvignon , Vin de Pays du Jardin de la France from Guy Saget ( £3.55 ) that would go down a treat with the Mushroom & Parmesan Risotto ( page 120 ) , or the Lemon & Mustard Mackerel ( page 122 ) .
29 When Gran was small , water was obtained at her Rollestone Street home by lifting a trap door in the floor and letting down a container into the stream below .
30 THE LATE Jock Stein laid down a strategy for the World Cup when he said that a team could wear working clothes to qualify , but needed to find evening dress for the event itself .
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