Example sentences of "[adv prt] and put [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 she was smoking like that so I made her a cup of tea took it in and put it on the stool .
2 In fact you could bring quite a bit of it in and put it in the fridge .
3 Of course , the result was , anybody watching you timed how long it took to go from the Dock gate to sign in and put it on the spike .
4 She carried the ‘ things ’ down and put them in the boudoir , returning for the clothes which she had kicked aside which were still strewn upon the stairs .
5 I can take some down and put them in the cupboard .
6 But in that case you just take a piece of new paper and put the down and put it on the clip .
7 Said it 's electric , I 'm just going to unplug it and bring it down and put it on the work top .
8 I 'm not looking to give you constructive feedback on them , I 'm just looking to see what grade it gets so you go down and put it in a pigeon hole .
9 You see I put me poster up in the window and then me flipping dad said to me I do n't know whether you should have that poster up , what if Miss is around , Conservative , so I bloody took it down and put it in a magazine , I thought when we 've got
10 Well bring it down and put it in the wash now then .
11 take it down and put it in the bottom of the
12 ‘ Put the rest of your clothes out on the landing ; I 'll rinse them through and put them in the drier .
13 Turn the card over and put it at the bottom of the pack
14 Pour some hot water on and put it in the microwave .
15 He took his glasses off and put them on the table , and his eyes were dancing as she had n't seen them dance since the night he had revealed the identity of Miguelito .
16 Kate pulled her coat off and put it on the banisters .
17 And you ken they used to lift it off and put it in the ground .
18 ‘ Wash it off and put it in the meter for me , would you , Tom ?
19 I fell asleep and remember him lifting me off and putting me on the settee cushion but I 'd had a tiring evening and hardly stirred .
20 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
21 up and put them on the window sill
22 That has been done to death by ex-managers and ex-record companies who use a list of about two dozen tracks which they write down on a sheet of paper , cut them up and put them in a hat , and whatever order they come out in that 's another album .
23 My mother then gathered them up and put them in a container , and I took them to a nearby stream and let them go with goodness knows what effect on the environment .
24 They come out of lectures and then they round them up and put them in a small group , you know .
25 He 'd tried several , imitating his Mum 's signature but he 'd scrumpled them up and put them in the waste paper basket .
26 Frau Hoflin took one look at her and refrained from asking her to pick them up and put them in the washing machine .
27 During the week , whenever they were out , she insisted that she roll her hair up and put it under the cap .
28 Then probably , if the weather was fine the next day or two , we would go and drag-rake it up with another horse in a drag-rake ; and then rake it all up and put it on the cock .
29 It occurs in a book called The Scots Week-end , published by the Carswells in the late 1930s , and crying out for some other publisher to take it up and put it on the market , where it would be grabbed by many eager Scots .
30 Could you just take the carrycot up and put it on the floor ?
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