Example sentences of "[adv prt] from [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If I can explain inflation which included in the budget at this stage is inflation between November ninety two and November ninety three , so inflation from today if you like er or last November , through to the end of the year , that is provided for in the central contingency of the authority and as pay awards are awarded the money we drawn down from that into the planning committee so the amount there would one point five percent of pay and four point two percent from general commission , that 's reflecting inflation that 's already happening and is up last year 's budget to the position today if you like so one point five percent of pay was the A P T C award for July ninety two , sorry ninety three and we 're not anticipating here what the pay award will be for the coming year , that is dealt with centrally .
2 After the referendum results were announced , the rouble fell to 812 to the dollar , down from 415 at the beginning of the year .
3 It runs Unix System V/88 4.0 , and according to Electronic News , has 121 components , down from 134 on the predecessor board .
4 Brooking , Devonshire or Dickens would have rendered useless Leeds 's tedious offside trap by the simple expedient of running through from deep with the ball .
5 Because the shuttle will be out of contact with a TDRS for about half its 90-minute orbit of the Earth , scientists on board will be cut off from those on the ground who designed the experiments .
6 He was in a clump of brambles , in the middle of which was a rabbit-hole that led up from one of the warren passages below .
7 The beds were of loose straw , and the debtors were locked up from six in the evening to nine the next morning .
8 Salt water is pumped up from deep below the ground .
9 Our monthly round-up of economic forecasts is now based on the averages of 170 seers polled by Consensus Economics , up from 150 in the past ; it also , for the first time , looks at prospects for 1992 .
10 But to go on from this to the recommendation of the Bullock Report that workers should have representation on a company 's board is to change the nature of the institution , which in my judgment is quite unwarranted .
11 But shortly after , to my surprise , I saw the female and two kits peering out from one of the branch holes , surveying the river , and for the rest of the day I was treated to some amazing mink behaviour .
12 Just on the conversions point , th there will clearly be at the end of the plan period , an outstanding balance of conversion permissions erm which will not be built during the plan period , just as there are two thousand nine hundred er which come back from previous to the well not automatically previous to the plan period , but previous to the position we 're in now .
13 Now that I 'd drawn the incident out from my unconscious , in much the same manner as Doctor Keylock or any of the so-called psychotherapists might have done , now that I 'd faced it , admitted it to myself , thought it all through without holding back from any of the horror of what happened that sunny afternoon seven years ago , I could see that , whoever 's fault the accident might have been , it certainly was n't mine .
14 The titles of both poems suffered change , and The Ruined Cottage is to be found incorporated in the first Book of The Excursion , where Wordsworth looks back from 1814 to the year 1795 :
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