Example sentences of "[adv prt] from [noun] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Genius is Wordsworth peering down from Snowdon in the mist .
2 The signal is dated 1 August 1942 and states that a stream of messages had been coming in from Stirling in the desert regarding the shipment of supplies by Bombays for delivery on 4 August .
3 He also beat off attacks from Turkish forces who moved in from Bosnia in the west and Rumelia in the south-east .
4 By the autumn of 1935 the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission ( and Hector Charlesworth ) were replaced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with a Director-General brought over from London in the person of W.E .
5 Object-oriented programming received 16% , up from 14% in the autumn , but wireless communications fell two points to 12% .
6 Continents began to drift apart as the molten basaltic lava welled up from cracks in the seabed ( see Chapter 8 ) .
7 An hour 's peaceful plodding , setting out from stables in the village of Horner , is just one of the off-site activities .
8 All those Tibetans who come back from India in the spring laden down with watches , silver jewellery , radios — where do you think they get their money from ? ’
9 Culley took a captain 's chair that was standing by a wall and placed it just back from centre in the room .
10 Sometimes , travelling back from work in the moonlight , I would allow myself to fall silent and to wonder what scenes this moon was shining on in the Western Desert , where I had learned that Leslie now was ; and whether he was in present danger .
11 ‘ One year , ’ he said , when he was sure of my attention , ‘ the shepherds found a tār when they were crossing the high ridge on their way back from Aula in the spring .
12 Sparhawk , just back from questing in the Elenium , ready to claim the kingdom and woo the girl , discovers that his creator David Eddings does n't give him much time to breathe , and he 's off again : the A format of Domes of Fire ( Grafton , £4.99 ) is out this month — stay tuned for further instalments .
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