Example sentences of "[adv prt] by [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , other legal principles are laid down by the decisions of judges over time , or proclaimed in legislation .
2 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
3 Two days earlier , acting on her own behalf and that of her children , the widow of Jean-Baptiste Lully , Madeleine Lambert , sold all the remaining books of Lully 's music to Jean Baptiste Christophe Ballard in accordance with a sentence handed down by the courts of Châtelet de Paris the previous day ( 16 July 1714 ) .
4 Supervision is the process of the laying down by the courts of guidelines for the development of legal principles .
5 The personal estate was distributed in accordance with rules laid down by the Statutes of Distribution of Charles II 's and James II's reigns .
6 ‘ Can you bear to be held down by the bonds of marriage ?
7 The crowd also demanded the removal of the two remaining statues of Stalin from central Ulan Bator , one of which was taken down by the authorities on Jan. 16 .
8 We know , for example , that for much of that period , places such as the lower Ouse Valley and the lower Arran and Ada Valleys were in fact flooded arms of the sea and that the sediment brought down by the rivers of Sussex from inland , along with deposition by the sea in the quiet waters within those estuary-type areas , has gradually in-filled them .
9 Agricultural details were a nice reciprocal touch : the Hind helicopters , with which the Sandinistas were destroying the contras , had allegedly been shipped in by the Russians in crates labelled agricultural produce .
10 I do n't like him , but he 's a cynical bastard and wo n't be taken in by the likes of Buckmaster . ’
11 The entire loft is a matted tangle of sticks and twigs brought in by the jackdaws over God knows how many centuries ; in parts it is many metres deep .
12 Opposite was the site of the Royal Palace lived in by the kings of Bohemia from the Hussite Wars in 1419 , until King Vladislav reasserting the rights of kingship in 1484 , returned to the castle .
13 I was pretty well broke by then , but thanks to the good offices of Msgr John Esseff , they were taken in by the Sisters of Charity , the Most Reverend Mother Teresa 's order , who hid them out in a convent in Spain .
14 Other details of this allegedly gentle pre-war street life are filled in by the writings of youth club workers — Butterworth 's Clubland ( 1932 ) , Hatton 's London 's Bad Boys ( 1931 ) and Secretan 's London Below Bridges ( 1931 ) — which are teeming with rowdy incident , outbreaks of hooliganism , shoplifting sprees , youngsters terrorising old ladies , foul language , youth club riots and vandalism .
15 Some of these covers were actually odd pieces of common land , old cow-pastures that had been allowed to get out of hand , taken over by the fox-hunters for fencing and preservation , in return for a money payment to the holders of the common rights .
16 Irrigation was cut off by the authorities on Aug. 22 in the Andalucian Guadalquivir valley ( south-western Spain ) , and also in Castille-La Mancha at the beginning of October .
17 It was a big undertaking , this farm , with hired hands on a permanent basis , so they were pretty well off by the standards of Baldersdale .
18 I suspect this has been made up by the Friends of Ben Wyvis Society , who are making an attempt to liven up the image of one of the dullest Munros .
19 Chichester , Burpham ( covering the Arun valley but replaced by Arundel after the Conquest ) , Lewes and Hastings were backed up by the ports at Bosham and Pevensey and the episcopal centre at Selsey .
20 The stage is tilted and is propped up by the coffins of Inquisition victims .
21 He was one of the seven magnates whose confederation in April 1258 began the revolution ; he was one of the baronial twelve who were to draw up the plans of reform ; and he was one of the council of fifteen set up by the Provisions of Oxford to govern England in the king 's name .
22 Those are important and worthwhile projects , and we must ask the Government where the money for them will come from , especially if £1.4 billion is gobbled up by the proposals for King 's Cross .
23 The stresses set up by the effects of heat and cold on the glass could have weakened it to the point that it may fracture under pressure in the aquarium .
24 But whatever its humble origins , when the new word was picked up by the newspapers in August 1898 it was quickly transformed into a term of more general notoriety , so that ‘ Hooligan ’ and ‘ Hooliganism ’ became the controlling words to describe troublesome youths who had previously been known more loosely as ‘ street arabs ’ , ‘ ruffians ’ or ‘ roughs ’ .
25 The failure of the insurgents to secure the country 's political and economic nerve-centres , the provision of German and Italian military aid and the resistance put up by the defenders of Republican legality had turned the insurrection into a war whose duration or outcome no one could foretell .
26 We have the personal testimony of the South African Oxfam partner detained and tortured by security forces before being forced into exile ; the telex messages from Oxfam 's Mozambique office saying that South African-backed rebels have just burst into a hospital full of women and children and massacred over 400 ; and the telex that tells the dreary tale of Oxfam emergency relief trucks blown up by the agents of apartheid .
27 To avoid his being rounded up by the Germans for STO ( Service du Travail Obligatoire ) and sent to the munitions factories in the east , Montaine and Mme Guérigny hid Jean-Claude in a sunken hollow in the grounds of a crumbling manor house at the edge of the village .
28 His tale was a sad one , backed up by the men of Lewes 's troop .
29 Concocting any half-truth that suited some harebrained plan dreamed up by the spooks in Century House .
30 Demonstrations were also broken up by the police in Annaba , Constantine , Bordj Bou-Arreridj and Chlef .
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