Example sentences of "[adv prt] on the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 we read ‘ it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ’ ( referring to the Old Testament sacrifices ) but in verse 12 we read ‘ But this man , after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever , sat down on the right hand of God . ’
2 WHEN HE HAD BY HIMSELF PURGED OUR SINS , sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high . ’
3 I sat down on the only patch of turf
4 Welsh Water has dragged many old-age pensioners and under-privileged people through the courts of Wales because they have fallen down on the odd instalment on their water charges .
5 At eleven o'clock the following morning , Buzz sat down on the blue chair by Elinor 's bedroom window , pulled the kitchen timer from the pocket of her navy cotton dress , and set it to twenty minutes : the mechanism began to tick in an irritating way .
6 ‘ Why , Mummy , ’ the child was asking in the bath , tickling her little bottom moving up and down on the sandy deposit at the bottom of the bath until Tony had nowhere for his legs , ‘ when the sky is blue very very blue all over and you look at it is it white ? ’
7 In the dying firelight he looked down on the sleeping face of Joe the Fish .
8 As they stood shining their torches down on the twisted bits of metal , they saw it was the mangled remains of a Uzi .
9 The sun blazed down on the ancient circle of stones , bees buzzed diligently as they searched for late pollen , and birds sang cheerfully in the nearby trees .
10 She was hit and caught fire while going in to attack at low level and her pilot Don MacIntyre brought her down on the frozen surface of nearby Lake Hocklingen .
11 Her window had been wide all night and as she got out of bed she looked down on the dusty heads of trees where sparrows were fussing .
12 He sat down on the far side of the room and I caught only a brief view of him through the dancers , but it was undoubtedly Ralph Pike still at large .
13 A long linear fissure opened abruptly on 13 May , well down on the eastern slopes of the volcano , and at a height of only 1,800 metres .
14 Then the main wall of water struck the building , and the shutters burst inwards like reeds , and the salt water rushed white and green into the hall at Orphir , thrusting obstructions aside , while a slap of water , heavy as lead , fell on the thatch and through it , to pour foaming down on the deepening sea on the hall-floor .
15 Setting her firmly down on the wide base of the large shower cubicle , he swiftly turned on the taps , before joining her beneath the cascade of fresh water .
16 Technically he is excellent but you have noticed that he is falling down on the supervisory aspects of his job .
17 The government 's response to mounting criticism was to crack down on the principal advocates of reform .
18 Down on the southern edge of Zone One , you can hear sirens most of the time ; you could imagine that wild animals roamed the park outside Pascoe 's window , the constant whoop-screech-whoop their cries .
19 She sat down on the other side of the desk .
20 A hundred yards down on the other side of the road a knot of men were gathered .
21 ‘ I 've a hunch , ’ he said , putting the heavy volume down on the other side of the board to the knives and the water .
22 By the light of the fires he could see Paul already sitting cross-legged on a buffalo skin by the pholy , and he sank gratefully down on the other side of him .
23 She dropped down on the other side of the sweetheart plant from Rain , bowed her head , rested her right hand lightly on the keys , shut her eyes tight and concentrated .
24 Clinging to this assurance , Isabel listened to the rain beating down on the other side of the wall and refused to think about her peculiar reactions to fitzAlan any longer .
25 Mrs Thrigg plumped the coffee and home-made biscuits down on the low table beside the sofa in Mrs Baggley 's drawing-room and stumped out like a stage char .
26 He set the basket down on the low table by the oven , then turned back , looking at the boy .
27 The kettle boiled and I made the drinks and followed him through to set the mugs down on the low table near the fireplace .
28 Ajayi sat down on the small stool on the other side of the table .
29 Her mother handed her a glass of white wine , so generously filled that Kate was obliged to take a long sip before it was safe to put it down on the small table by the side of the chair .
30 A tiny , rotund figure was stamping up and down on the daubed green of the false ground , like a drunken redneck at a hoedown , or an aboriginal at a corroboree .
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