Example sentences of "[vb -s] only [verb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To see and support British effort , one has only to look at the Chelsea Show which starts on May 25 , where the National Farmers Union stand is so impressive with the huge pyramid of vegetables , fruit and flowers .
2 One has only to look at the regularity with which courses on modelling now appear on the MRS lists .
3 One has only to look at the United States , where they take sex education very seriously but seem to have got everything wrong , with the most appalling results to the nation 's health .
4 To illustrate this one has only to look at the account of a pupil pursuit in a school which had thought through clearly its broad curriculum and made plans accordingly .
5 One has only to look at the contradictions between the rich north and the starving south ; between capitalist industry 's ceaseless drive for higher productivity and the health of the biosphere ; those contradictions at the heart of the EC ( the ERM , the battles over farming and fishing , etc ) ; and the fierce struggle over world trade in GATT , which will soon break out again .
6 On an acquisition level , it means only looking at the assets , market valuation and cash-flow rather than at the nature of the business .
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