Example sentences of "[vb -s] give [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The public outcry against young offenders has given a bumpy ride to the seven-month-old Criminal Justice Act .
2 The long-wave , world-systems and regulationist theories are broad frameworks to which several writers have contributed and each has given a new twist to the framework they use .
3 ‘ The Tip ’ has given a new meaning to the weekend .
4 Continued economic restraint has given a new urgency to demands to improve the efficiency of management in the public sector .
5 More recently the vast programme of legislation for the completion of the single market has given a new urgency to the matter .
6 The advent of microelectronics has given a tremendous boost to Man 's capacity to acquire , process , store and disseminate textual , numeric and other forms of information .
7 increase in fixed assets — has given a tremendous boost to the economy and pride of the north-west .
8 Currently the Labour Party in Scotland is committed to no nuclear weapons on our soil , but shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown has given a firm commitment to Rosyth Dockyard for the refitting of Trident submarines .
9 Mr Michael Fallon , MP for Darlington , has given a guarded welcome to the idea of a shopmobility scheme : ‘ The search for that sort of solution gets my support .
10 The advent of poststructuralism has given a great impetus to interpretive productivity , since all the literary texts that were once interpreted to show organic unity and complexity of meaning can now be interpreted to reveal underlying clashes .
11 His absence has given a rare opportunity to his deputy and political rival , Zhu Rongji , who has taken over the reins of government .
12 The decision was , I do not doubt , a thoroughly beneficial decision which has given a sensible ambit to powers which Parliament had conferred in a way which good sense would suggest had left them far too restricted .
13 In addition — and I will begin with this point — linguistics has given a special status to the kind of binary opposition masculine/feminine exemplifies , and of which deconstructionists , including feminists , have been critical .
14 The Further Education Unit , a curriculum review and development unit established in 1977 to make possible a more co-ordinated and cohesive approach to curriculum development in further education , has given a commendable priority to special educational needs .
15 The first is where the Act is silent or ambiguous on any given point and the second is where the court in a decided case has given a particular interpretation to a section of the Act ( or to the same section in the original Act of 1893 ) .
16 FOYLE Meats has given a big boost to the National Sheep Association , which holds its multi-breed ram sale at Antrim on September 21 .
17 No one has given a satisfactory answer to that .
18 Since its arrival in the eighteenth century , this is a literary mode which has recurrently been pronounced dead but which has been capable of renewal , and now Ackroyd has given a further turn to the wheel .
19 This situation has given a further boost to the microelectronics industry , which now has the incentive to apply its research and development programmes to telecommunications .
20 In its action plan to save threatened cetaceans the Cetacean Specialist Group of IUCN has given the highest priority to a study which would monitor the scattered gill-net fisheries in the Gulf of California .
21 An anglophile university professor who used his modest means to amass 322 British and continental drawings has given the entire lot to the National Gallery .
22 The Gulf War has given an enormous boost to the cable television industry in India .
23 Meanwhile , declining confidence in the pound , and perhaps in the ‘ Thatcher Revolution , ’ is severely constraining ministers at a time when — as a formidable faction in the Cabinet has recognised — the Government needs to give a higher priority to the quality of life if it is not to be swept aside in the 1990s .
24 There God undertakes to give an everlasting kingdom to the boy ‘ and I will be his Father and he shall be my Son ’ .
25 Socialization involves giving the individual access to the stock , both learning some of its contents and how to gain access to further contents .
26 The court seems to give a broad interpretation to these powers .
27 She argues that if you have been assisted by relatives yourself , this imposes a strong obligation to provide similar support for others , even if that means giving a temporary home to someone whom you do not particularly like ( p. 89 ) .
28 Since at Key Stage 3 the core units have to be taught in a chronological order that does give an initial structure to the overall plan of the three-year period .
29 The Council continues to give a high priority to achieving equity in Scottish rate burdens .
30 The ban on other languages operates like import controls to give a domestic monopoly to local people .
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