Example sentences of "[vb -s] not [verb] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I also find it incredible that the demise of Aldershot has not led to a positive reaction to assist the smaller clubs .
2 It should be noted that the existence of a published league table has not led to an automatic and immediate improvement in schools at the bottom of the table .
3 In these instances it is not uncommon to find a government 's revenue ( as in Lesotho ) almost totally committed to paying its teacher force — hence nothing left over to equip the schools ; in which case it is worth asking whether the whole costly mechanism of providing school education has not come to an unprofitable full-stop just before the only point where it can be productive — enabling children to learn .
4 ‘ Industry has not responded to the new opportunities provided by the devaluation of sterling .
5 As a result , most experiments end after six to eight hours , when the breath H 2 concentration has not returned to the fasting value .
6 In the old days when there was a possibility of of erm ad hoc payments made , er that sort of thing was taken of , since the takeover of the company , that has n't happened to the same extent so there 's a very strong feeling with the older pay er pensioners that they paid money into a pension scheme which now shows a surplus , but other people are benefiting from it .
7 In the old days when there was a possibility of of erm ad hoc payments made er that sort of thing was taken care of , since the takeover of the company that has n't happened to the same extent , so there 's a very strong feeling with the older pay er pensioners that they paid money into a pension scheme which now shows a surplus , but other people are benefiting from it .
8 White Stilton is a very young , immature Stilton and does not compare to the traditional blue variety , although I like it in salads and for cooking , where its slightly sharp flavour is penetrating .
9 In approximately 30% of cases the epithelium does not change to a homogeneous phenotype and this is characterised by an ‘ incomplete ’ intestinal epithelium with both gastric foveolar and intestinal goblet cells and enterocytes .
10 If you want to enter the current date you can use @NOW but to fix this date ( so that it does not change to the current date next time you load the spreadsheet you will have to convert it to a value .
11 It should be remembered that the position is different in a shop , whether self-service or otherwise , where ownership does not pass to the alleged thief the buyer , until the goods have been paid for even if the buyer obtains possession before payment .
12 It clearly exposes the weakness that is at the heart of Labour 's inspection policy , and demonstrates that the hon. Member for Blackburn does not speak to the hon. Member for Leeds , Central .
13 They can be translated into English either by using a similar ‘ dummy ’ subject , They speak English , where they does not refer to a specific agent , or by using the passive voice , English is spoken .
14 It has already been noted that a criterion statement such as " can add two whole numbers summing to between 100 and 1,000 " does not refer to a precise domain .
15 abort the other DC and create another , which does not refer to the offending module .
16 Education about the Third World which does not refer to the socio-economic problems of rural Europe can promote a belief that European development has worked and that failure lives elsewhere in the world , or that there is no relationship between the problems of European DRAs and those of the predominantly rural Third World countries .
17 Mr Latimer , a solicitor with offices in Priestgate ( the firm is still there ) , was a leading Temp ( this , as regular Echo Memories readers will know , does not refer to the transitory nature of his position but to his teetotal outlook ) .
18 For many , ‘ law ’ and ‘ order ’ refer to the ideal of legality ( or ‘ the rule of law ’ ) — and while it is clear that this does not refer to an uncontroversial notion , it is arguable that most people would agree on certain core features of the rule of law : a congruence of official action with a previously declared rule so as to preserve individual autonomy and freedom from arbitrary state power , and a notion of equal treatment of individuals in the eye of the law .
19 It does not matter to the Labour party that the regions are unpopular , or that they can not be afforded , or that they are unwanted .
20 I agree with the hon. Member for Chichester that it does not matter to the British people whether they have a pound sterling or an ecu in their pockets if their level of prosperity is being maintained and enhanced .
21 If man does not bring to the universal conscience the paramount importance of self-control , monitored with reference to some all-powerful influence such as the Created God of this book , there is a grave danger that he could send his earth back to its pre-life state .
22 Being at risk of abuse , then , does not lead to a simple intervention strategy .
23 But at least the fusion community needs such volumes to remind it that at the end of the day the scientific juggling will come to nothing if it does not lead to a convenient and not too expensive source of electricity .
24 While scepticism may be present in such societies , it takes a personal , non-cumulative form ; it does not lead to a deliberate rejection and reinterpretation of social dogma so much as to a semi-automatic readjustment of belief .
25 Such equalization , which must extend to all members of the group , does not extend to the one ‘ object ’ who is the leader .
26 These results support our previous finding that the proliferative compartment of background crypts is confined to the lower two thirds and does not extend to the upper parts of the crypts .
27 There is no suggestion there that the NEC 's ‘ duty ’ does not extend to the 17 constituencies in Northern Ireland .
28 However , this will be seen as a minimum protection only and does not extend to the underlying liabilities of the target .
29 This was not an offence under the Act because it does not extend to the domestic situation and a club having a private membership enjoys a private or domestic status .
30 That is , the religious aspect is specifically stressed by Plato , much more so than any version of the Megarian decree ; if the Megarian exclusion was primarily religious , it is very strange that the exclusion does not extend to the obvious religious meeting-places and events , that is temples and sacrifices .
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