Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I give all the children vitamin drops that I get from the clinic but I sometimes wonder whether they 're really necessary .
2 One popular religious writer who thinks that they believe in the same god is John Hick .
3 With an increase of bland courtesy he insists that she stay in the car while he talks to the girl behind the Reception desk .
4 An analysis of contemporary ‘ neutralist ’ theories reveals that they collapse into the ethical liberalism typical of the nineteenth century .
5 The highest requires that we think of the international system as a set of norms or purposes which shape the process of history .
6 Our dignity requires that we struggle in the net , however slight the hope of escape .
7 The formal approach requires that we start with a study of binary relations .
8 But if you know the difference between guitar sounds that you hear on the radio , for instance , then I would maintain that you know too much .
9 If you know the difference between guitar sounds that you hear on the radio then I would maintain that you know too much
10 He ensures that they get to the best conferences and from time to time will organize his own , bringing in the best speakers .
11 Bernard Davies ( 1986 ) has argued that this amounts to a more effective means of disciplining and controlling young people , particularly working class young people , for this training ensures that they conform to the ‘ correct ’ kind of behaviour .
12 What then ensures that you keep within the confines of the crime novel ?
13 Second , it demands that we think about the direction of time .
14 The remaining PAP ministers refused party demands that they resign from the government and they were subsequently expelled from the party in early 1991 .
15 Therefore , equity demands that they share in the total assets .
16 As we have outlined , every golf shot you ever play on a golf course — and on the practice ground , too — demands that you adhere to a set routine , never until you have gone through that routine .
17 When a human chess player finds himself ahead , the art of the game demands that he win in the most expeditious manner ; some sort of lightning stroke that ends the game rapidly .
18 It seems that I count as a visitor . ’
19 To the extent that activities are spontaneous it appears that they belong to the realm of the caused ( which in the case of biological process is obvious enough ) , and that he is a free agent only to the extent that he learns to direct them .
20 It follows that I agree with the deputy judge that a written name , not being a normal signature , is capable of being a signature for paragraph ( a ) purposes , but I do not agree that the signature must necessarily , if paragraph ( b ) is to be satisfied , be appended to the document after the substantive testamentary contents have been written on the document .
21 This means that they talk about the Devil , but they 're not born-again Christians : in this case , the geezer with the goat 's eyes and barbed tail is the white man .
22 You can then pay bills immediately , using a separate chequebook , even if it means that you slip into the red .
23 The C E C recommends that we look at the experience of these regions before we take any decisions nationally .
24 The evidence suggests that they operate in a particular way , namely that there are predictable patterns in flows of support between older and younger generations , in which support flows in both directions , but on balance the older generation are the givers and the younger the receivers .
25 Brennan and McGeevor ( 1988 ) locate polytechnic/college courses on a continuum ranging from the ‘ occupational specialist ’ through the ‘ occupational generalist ’ and ‘ generalist plus ’ to the ‘ generalist ’ , which suggests that they lie down the professional-general side of the triangle .
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