Example sentences of "[vb -s] be made [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In island-driving left context is unavailable , while in the left-to-right strategies discussed previously right context is only available if some match , even if only a poor one , has been made to the beginning of the unit in question .
2 Reference has been made to the complexity of policy .
3 I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of the above site .
4 A submission has been made to the Minister for Social Welfare for inclusion in the Act .
5 An application has been made to the Charity Commissioners for the Bradford Atea Project to be given registered charity status and the association has set itself a target of raising £20,000 during the next 12 months .
6 ( 1 ) A licensing board shall not refuse to grant a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 2 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the applicant is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to hold a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not fit and convenient for the purposes of the canteen ; or ( c ) in a case where objection has been made to the situation of the canteen , on the ground specified in the objection ; or ( d ) that the applicant or body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement limiting the sources from which the alcoholic liquor or the mineral waters to be sold in the canteen may be obtained ; but nothing in this subsection shall prevent a licensing board from specifying in the licence granted by it the types of liquor ( including if the board thinks fit types of liquor other than those in respect of which the application for the licence was made ) which may be sold under the licence , and the holder of the licence or his employee or agent shall be guilty of an offence , if he sells alcoholic liquor of a type other than that specified in the licence .
7 ( c ) Where objection has been made to the situation of the canteen , it may be sustained and the application refused on that ground .
8 An approach has been made to the Salop Steam Engine Society with regard to space for an Exhibition by BCRS at the Show to be held at Bishop 's Castle on 27 and 28 August 1989 .
9 In order to explain why offences of violence are regarded so seriously , reference has been made to the value a of privacy and physical integrity .
10 Elsewhere reference has been made to the difference between Spanish style and flamenco style ( see page 59 ) which belongs to the Spanish gipsies from whom has also developed what is known as gipsy character dance .
11 The environmental impact assessment prepared for the Bill is an example of the latter type as no reference has been made to the NRA or to the environmental health department of Cardiff city council .
12 Furthermore , if the purchaser is a public company , whether or not its shares are quoted , it is prevented by CA 1985 , s102 from allotting the consideration shares to the vendor unless the consideration for the allotment has been independently valued pursuant to CA 1985 , s108 and a report regarding the value has been made to the purchaser by an independent person within the six months preceding the allotment .
13 To remedy this , a proposal has been made to the NUS that would make crèche facilities in different universities more similar .
14 In this book only occasional direct reference has been made to the results of numerical modelling .
15 Mention has been made to the paperwork , I think that it 's worth reminding ourselves that a lot of the paperwork that has been generated , is a direct result of Conservative government introduced legislation , particularly cri criminal justice er , legislation , which requires a considerable amount of paperwork , erm , to be completed by officers , quite often in long , in longhand , and not making use of technology , where in fact they er , a great deal of time and effort could be con , er could be er , saved .
16 However the reference has been made to the characteristics of that boundary , and although the authorities would prefer the characteristics of the one which they now propose , they do not say that the characteristics of the tight boundary are ones which are unacceptable .
17 I think it 's rather important in connection with the north eastern A sixty four sector to realize that and reference has been made to the M A F F Central Science Laboratory , that it was a condition specified by M A F F in nineteen ninety , that their site should be a green field site free of airborne pollution .
18 The reason being that probably for the last 50 years the sewers have been provided free : they have outlived any associated loans and so no charge has been made to the revenue accounts .
19 But the final thing that happened , if I could draw the point , Chair , is that in the , in the report on the budget strategy ninety four , five , the Policy and Resources Committee on Friday , paragraph thirty five says no provision has been made for the Council 's contributions into the European objective five B programme , much of this will be , but some hundred and twenty five thousand pounds of revenue spending per annum is likely to be , is likely to required to match European and other partners ' contributions .
20 A second comparison has been made for the barn owl .
21 A planning application has been made for the building of a petrol station in the midst of a residential area in my constituency .
22 Cricket now , and the draw has been made for the quarter finals of the Benson and Hedges Cup .
23 For many years now , legal provision has been made for the importation of workers for the harvesting of fruit and vegetables , there being very specific acknowledgement that this is something native-born Americans can not be persuaded in the necessary numbers to do .
24 Parliamentary time has been made for the Bill and for amendment of the 1984 legislation .
25 If you look , for example , at the case that has been made for the protection of the rainforest , you will find that it is peppered with every conceivable argument .
26 In my view a good case has been made for the view that the learning processes involved in the formation of mating preference of humans have been subject to natural selection during the course of evolution .
27 An allowance has been made for the transfers you will not be taking , against the cost of the care hire .
28 ‘ But the important thing at this stage is that the right decision has been made for the athletes .
29 In all , of the 350 commitments in the original White Paper , more than 200 have already been fulfilled in this first year alone and significant progress has been made with the remainder .
30 Tonight 's programme has been made with the benefit of time and I think with the best of intentions .
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