Example sentences of "[vb -s] be [vb pp] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 CPRW has evidence that the sale of holiday units as permanent residences is already beginning to happen where the temporary occupancy clause , which is customarily enforced on caravan and chalet sites , has been withdrawn for some reason .
2 This has been recognised for some time , perhaps most articulately in France , as one of the attainments to be expected from a top-class academic teacher and researcher , with an outstanding ability in accurate communication with the men ( and women ) in the street : haute popularisation .
3 The need for such a centre has been recognised for some time .
4 The importance of the environmentally fragile coastal zone has been recognised for some time , and in response to growing concern for coastal environments under pressure , a new group has been set up in BGS to draw on the experience of land and marine geologists , sedimentologists and coastal engineers The geology of a strip round the coast of the United Kingdom , which in places extends several kilometres offshore , is largely unexplored .
5 The importance of the coastal zone has been recognised for some time , and a new group has now been formed in BGS in response to growing concern for the environments under pressure in this potentially fragile area .
6 The association between HIV infection and tuberculosis has been recognised for some time , and the emergence of multidrug resistance in the United States represents the latest development .
7 The perspector comes complete with full instructions for use and has been developed for fine art use .
8 Typically , this will be a realistic option if your pay has been cut for some reason .
9 The SIB 's new Conduct of Business Core Rule 28 has been adopted for this purpose .
10 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
11 The chairman of the action group has already met with Malcolm Rifkind , Secretary of State for Scotland , pamphlets have been issued to all houses in Juniper Green and Baberton Mains , another public meeting will be called and a plea has been made for wholehearted support by writing letters of objection .
12 Special provision has been made for handicapped access , and in addition the museum now boasts an auditorium , and greater accessibility to the reserve collections .
13 An allowance has been made for extra labour .
14 An appointment has been made for this morning , but there is expected to be a delay before results are known .
15 Imaginative provision has been made for wheelchair-bound bird watchers at the Rutland Water Nature Reserve .
16 The same case has been made for social work .
17 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
18 Management considers that adequate provision has been made for any liability which may arise in respect of the years 1981 to 1983 .
19 No provision has been made for any taxation liability that would arise is these assets were disposed of at their revalued amount .
20 To date , £700 in sponsorship money has been collected for Cystic Fibrosis .
21 An attempt to remove Kevin Maxwell has been mooted for some time .
22 Because of its limited appeal among Grand Prix drivers , it has been ignored for some record purposes in the statistical section to be found at the end of this chapter .
23 The hood has been sent for forensic examination and it is hoped it will yield important clues .
24 As well as its general indications in anxiety , depression , and problems with relationships , counselling has been advocated for smoking cessation , modification of diet , alcohol misuse , postnatal depression , addiction to tranquillisers , and high risk sexual behaviour .
25 Although the reprocessing plant itself has been shut for annual maintenance since February , discharges have been continuing at a reduced volume .
26 A second Gloucestershire social worker has been sacked for smoking cannabis while in charge of a group of youngsters on holiday in Devon .
27 Wirral Council 's planning committee will tonight discuss the future of the 25-acre Bromb-orough Power Station site which has been earmarked for industrial use .
28 Inner Cities Minister Sir George Young declared the Herculaneum Dock has been earmarked for Private Finance Initiative cash , which will speed up the hunt for a private sector developer .
29 It has been suspected for some time that North Korea has been working on a nuclear device .
30 The route has been constructed for joint use by cyclists and pedestrians , although it will occasionally be used by motor vehicles for maintenance or emergency purposes .
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