Example sentences of "[vb -s] be [vb pp] [adv prt] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 10–17 Jesus violates the taboo against healing on the sabbath by healing a woman who has been bent over for many years , justifying this on the grounds that it is even more urgent to help a fellow human being , a woman , than to rescue an animal that has fallen into a ditch ( an exception allowed under the law ) .
2 There is one particular practice that has been singled out for special treatment and that is resale price maintenance .
3 Although this has been argued over for fifty years , the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible .
4 HARTLEPOOL United defender Keith Nobbs has been ruled out for four weeks .
5 The £750,000 Payton has been ruled out for two weeks with a torn hamstring sustained in the FA Cup replay defeat by Portsmouth .
6 His Disco Roadshow business , called Darlington Number One , has been hired out for several parties and functions in the Darlington area .
7 She 's only done half the course and already she has been picked out for this job .
8 A helpline has been set up for anxious parents .
9 A telephone hotline , manned twenty four hours a day , has been set up for former pupils of a school where the head has been suspended and a governor arrested by police .
10 Q. My tank has been set up for five months now , and I do not seem to be able to achieve a good green algae growth .
11 I felt sad about this as I have several friends from my Salford days in Hong Kong , but I understand a decision to carry out this action has been put off for some time , so perhaps it was a regrettable necessity .
12 A common problem in geographical information systems ( GIS ) , and one which has been known about for many years in the context of choropleth mapping , is that of producing maps from population data aggregated over selected arbitrary areal units .
13 This policy has been carried out for some time by the OECD countries , Todorovic claimed , except that there the figure is between 4 and 6 per cent .
14 At Builth in Central Wales , a complicated history has been worked out for one part of the Ordovician .
15 ‘ I was sorry to see it go in a way , but on the other hand it 's been laid up for many years and now it 's going to give pleasure to other people .
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