Example sentences of "[vb -s] be [adj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would like to thank all the members erm , who 've served on that committee and indeed the officers who 've worked for it , because a lot of the background work and a lot of the er , consultation with departments has been necessary to get us to the erm , reasonably satisfactory stage we 're at , considering the ext extremely severe restrictions on government ex , er , on local government spending , er resulting from the cap .
2 Although the 20 cm square shaft has been known about since 1882 it is only with developments in recent technology that it has been possible to explore it by means of a video camera mounted onto a mini robot .
3 1001 Ways to Save the Planet deserves to experience the irony of being consumed in vast quantities — and it 's interesting that Penguin has been willing to launch it towards a mass readership sheathed in a determinedly dowdy recycled cover .
4 Historically it has been convenient to explore them as an evolution from the works of Euclid .
5 No one has been able to explain it to me ( it 's nothing to do with horses by the way ) .
6 One might perhaps have expected that it would have been impossible to discharge him from hospital , but the local authority , which shares parental responsibility for him , has been able to place him with devoted foster parents whose dedication and skill are of the highest possible order .
7 The ones that a friend of mine who was once in the TA has been promising to get me for three years now .
8 ‘ Your sister 's been able to supply us with most of the details we need . ’
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