Example sentences of "[vb -s] a [noun sg] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adapting to these new circumstances , MDC 's initial policy approach signifies a concern to adopt a co-operative rather than confrontational stance .
2 Each program contains a dialogue offering a wide range of choices affecting , for example , selection with respect to most data items , sort orders , print items per line , print lines per record , paging , number of copies , type of stationery , destination printer , real-time or batch execution , blackness of print image , redirection of printout to a computer file , creation of reference files to allow the same set of selected records to be used by another program , saving and naming selections for future use , local and remote printing , etc .
3 CytR has extensive homology with well-characterized DNA binding proteins like LacI and GalR that contact palindromic sites via two identical subunits ( 28–31 ) , and specifically CytR contains a region exhibiting a high level of homology with the α-helix-turn-α-helix motif found in the DNA binding domain of several well-characterized DNA binding proteins ( 32 ) .
4 Over part of its range , however , the butterfly graph develops a pocket providing a stable intermediate surface in the shape of a butterfly .
5 If the claim is presented late , the tribunal has a discretion to allow a late claim to be submitted if it was ‘ not reasonably practicable ’ for the Applicant to present it in time ( EPCA 1978 section 67(2) ) .
6 General Motors Corp 's Hughes Network Systems Inc has a contract to build a digital network for fixed telephone and cellular phones in Chengdu , the capital Sichuan Province in the People 's Republic of China : the initial contract , which is worth $15m , will serve more than 20,000 subscribers and expansions of the network will eventually serve 100,000 subscribers ; the entire Chengdu network is set to go on line in November ; Hughes is also building a similar network in Tatarstan , in the Russian Republic .
7 Now that buses are no longer designed to enhance the streets they serve , Manchester has a chance to make a fresh start with its trams .
8 What 's Can you remember what the point in a conversation is where a speaker has a chance to become a new speaker ?
9 Vargas , however , has a pedigree to pose a considerable threat to Hodkinson 's prospective windfall but the all-action champion has no intention of ducking the top challenges .
10 The idea was , why has a giraffe got a long neck ?
11 As the IPG has a commitment to maintain a comprehensive information system at all times for bureaux , it was decided that work on other sections of the files should continue alongside the social security work so as not to let the changes dominate the work of the group .
12 The third section , ‘ Switch ’ , has a socket to take a double footswitch for turning the internal or any external effects on and off , and there are two more of those push-push buttons , this time for assigning effects to channel 1 and channel 2 .
13 ‘ It follows therefore that every citizen has a right to criticise an inefficient or corrupt government without fear of civil as well as criminal prosecution .
14 473 , C.A. , a case frequently cited by Lord Denning : under a contract of sale by A to B , B has a duty to open a confirmed credit .
15 Now the Meningitis Trust has a turnover approaching a million pounds a year , a full-time staff of 16 , and trials begin in Gloucestershire next year on additional vaccines .
16 And second — that the BBC has a role to provide a comprehensive news and information service of richness and originality .
17 The first method is to take out two separate policies that cover half the loan amount ( this can be stretched so that the higher earner of the two parties has a policy covering a greater amount ) .
18 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 87 ) comments that the word ‘ Athena ’ has a form suggesting a pre-Greek place-name , so it may be that Athena originated as the Potnia worshipped at a place called Athens or something similar .
19 For the moment and until Philips and their partners finally launch their product , CDTV has an opportunity to scoop a substantial segment of the market .
20 Despite her success , she insists on being down-to-earth and believes she has an obligation to give a little back to the sport which shot her to fame .
21 Schedule 4 to the rules contains an order appointing an interim receiver ( Form 6.32 ) , see Appendix C , form 24 .
22 Bourjois ' Cil 18 Heures Mascara , £3.79 , for instance contains an ingredient called a hydrophobic polymer which improves the mascara 's resistance to water , whilst Lancôme 's Definicil Mascara , £12 , has a brush made of a substance called Rislan designed to be extra gentle on your lashes .
23 Update Baseline allows a user to incorporate a specified list of approved modules into a hierarchical package structure , thereby allowing a new approved baseline to be automatically defined .
24 The arrangement by which a young man , who dies before he is married , can nevertheless marry and have descendants ( provided always that he was the owner of cattle ) is rather similar to the biblical institution of the levirate , but the elaboration which allows a woman to become a legal " father " at first seems more peculiar .
25 When a guest checks in the receptionist allocates a room showing a green light ; he or she presses a switch and the green light goes off on the board as well as on the cashier 's and housekeeper 's boards .
26 What you do have to understand is what motivates a customer to buy a small green apple as opposed to a large red one .
27 The definitive shape , which features an animal resembling a mutated kangaroo ( see ( 3 ) , 1¾in. wide ) was first worn in NW Europe , 1944 ; originally it was embroidered in a brick-red shade with a white border on black felt .
28 In our fixation shift procedure , the infant initially sees a screen containing a central flashing face-like target , which is replaced by a contrast-reversing target 23 deg either right or left of centre .
29 Adopting that approach to the facts and circumstances of the present application I am satisfied that it raises a question deserving a fuller investigation , and , if that investigation were to favour [ the foster mother ] , that it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the children ( or one or more of them ) for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
30 Each component raises a question needing a clear answer .
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