Example sentences of "[vb -s] a [adj] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The Detroit Symphony Hall adds a nice ambient bloom to a typically spacious Chandos recording .
2 Around the stair tower , a curved , fin-like aluminium wall screens the lower conference room and the boardroom terrace above , and adds a further textural element to the low-key material themes of timber and brick .
3 Dancing rebel Paul Mercurio adds a little Spanish sex to his stride , takes on the ballroom bosses and falls for frump turned dancehall diva Tara Morice , while the relentlessly zippy direction tries to match the hypermanic bump and hustle .
4 ‘ I feel Ian Wright has a similar fiery temperament to Paul Gascoigne .
5 And he would have approved of Jones ' description of this mammoth work as ‘ a map of Mr Average ’ — it has a nice statistical ring to it .
6 Not surprisingly , their Data Discman has a strong generic similarity to their music playing Discman , itself a logical development of the original and now ubiquitous Sony Walkman cassette player .
7 Acoustically , the KH has a promising blurry ring to it and although it 's not loud , due to the Floyd , it does seem to sustain particularly well .
8 BSL involves simplification of terminology and has a different grammatical construction to spoken English .
9 The vast majority of people listen during the day , and the station has a different editorial approach to its weekday daytime programmes and to its evening and weekend shows .
10 The Marxist thesis that power lies with whoever controls the " means of production " , is usually mixed up with an egalitarian thesis that each producer has a natural moral right to the power which his production generates .
11 The female is larger and stouter than the male ; and the male has a white front edge to the anal fin .
12 The appeal to human rights , which has provided the primary motive power behind freedom movements throughout the world , has a non-discardable moral aspect to it which denies the relativist stance .
13 Irresistible charm is brought to bear again as she butters up a worthy old bag ( ‘ unpleasant ’ ) who has a few tedious objections to our Hildamay waltzing off with her granddaughter .
14 ‘ The aggrieved consumer needs an accessible local service to which he can take his troubles and where he will receive a realistic appraisal , a measure of help in presenting his case , or a pointer to the next step .
15 Its attracts support for the Warnock majority proposal by implying that the pre-14 day embryo has an inferior moral worth to the post-14 day embryo .
16 It not only adds an exciting new dimension to hair , it actually improves the structure with each subsequent application .
17 The start , a wide crack in common with a Severe , allows a sizeable horizontal break to be gained and at first followed easily outwards above the lip of a large roof .
18 One of them bears a close anatomical resemblance to the marble copies we have after the bronze statues of the Tyrannicides by Kritios and Nesiotes which we know were set up in the Agora , the city centre north-west of the Acropolis , in 477 .
19 His uncle 's testy interruption is followed by a more dramatic one as Admiralty orders arrive for Septimus to join the frigate Althea as junior midshipman ; but , not to be diverted from his experiment , he uses a similar home-made bomb to good effect when the coach is held up by highwaymen on the Portsmouth road .
20 The confusion between the labels ‘ race ’ and ethnicity allows an outmoded biological determinism to be replaced by an implicit cultural determinism .
21 With power levels such as these on tap , the B-1R contains the obligatory limiter , and Ampeg have opted for a suitably compact , high-tech ‘ optocoupler limiter ’ system which uses an interrupted light beam to even out peaks in the signal .
22 The Gould theory reaches a polar opposite conclusion to that advanced by Gordon , and , as we have seen , certain members of the judiciary appear in favour of extensive review .
23 On p9 in your July edition one of the photographs shows a brown glazed edging to a path .
24 The Human Communication Research Centre ( HCRC ) , based at The University of Edinburgh and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council ( UK ) , adopts a novel interdisciplinary approach to the study of human information processing , particularly the processing of linguistic communication .
25 For the parameters C = — 500 ; is = 8 = 1 ; Y = Yc = I " , this pulsation becomes irregular for y 120 , is highly chaotic at y 250 , then shows an inverse period-doubling cascade to regular oscillation at y = 300 .
26 The mature fish displays a burnished metallic glow to its body which is superb in a courting or sparring male .
27 To live as a Christian today involves a personal on-going response to God 's call to have faith in Jesus
28 That , in an age of wonders in the Communist world , involves a fresh Western approach to the heart of the matter , the hopeless poverty of Vietnam .
29 That , in an age of wonders in the Communist world , involves a fresh Western approach to the heart of the matter , the hopeless poverty of Vietnam .
30 Some senior party figures believe that theme itself represents a strategic political withdrawal to ground that can be more easily defended in the face of Labour 's onslaught .
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