Example sentences of "[was/were] bring up in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because the slave traders were brought up in the belief that every word of the Holy Bible was inspired by God , they honestly thought that they had divine sanction to enslave blacks .
2 I was brought up in the cloister , and have Latin and French as well as English and Welsh . ’
3 And it it was , I mean I was brought up in the country and it , I found it really shocking that people had to live like that , you know .
4 I was brought up in the country , on a farm you know , so I 'll try and sort of make you know equal amount of flowers in each , and then er it can be halved .
5 I was brought up in the world of the arts because , apart from the Rothschild side which had some influence on me , my mother was a completely Bloomsbury figure , and her mother was a great friend of Matisse and a distinguished collector — she was a Strachey , very English .
6 Little water would have been met with and what was encountered was brought up in the kibble .
7 Six was brought up in the family business but declining trade prompted him to retire early and devote himself to the wide range of interests typical of an eighteenth-century intellectual , although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training .
8 well the slight adjustment so to get it , get it right , that 's what you 're paid for and he 's , that 's where he was , that 's where he was brought up in the trade , and he could take a piece of cloth in his hands , he had rolls of cloth , and he said that was made such a way , the quality of this cloth is because and that
9 As somebody who , as a child , was brought up in the city of York , I have nothing but praise for the excellent way in which my hon. Friend has represented his constituents .
10 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
11 Like most people , I was brought up in the belief that a nightmare was something bad that happened while you were asleep .
12 Neeld 's daughter by his French mistress was brought up in the house .
13 A widow , now in her eighties , her husband was brought up in the house by his grandparents .
14 ‘ I was brought up in the countryside .
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