Example sentences of "[was/were] bring [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone gathered together in the room next to our barrack room for meals , which were brought over from the main kitchens somewhere else in the citadel .
2 The application was duly made , the proceedings were brought up into the High Court , and on 27 January 1992 the Official Solicitor was appointed guardian ad litem of the four children who , together with the mother and the local authority , were respondents to the foster mother 's application .
3 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
4 One Monday night around midnight , some thirty-five vans had been brought up from New Clee sidings , pushed down Melhuish 's Jetty , loaded up , and were brought back to the middle road alongside Fish Dock Road .
5 The Free Miners of the Forest of Dean were brought in to the general election campaign today , with a warning that their livelihoods could be ruined by imports of cheap foreign coal .
6 These radios and other stores were brought in by the small steamer Kuru , which was fitted with a device in her stack to prevent the tell-tale streamer of fumes ; these she released in occasional puffs .
7 A cynic among us suggested the people were brought out in the early morning for the tourists to snap their unlikely habitat .
8 And we 'd be talking about the kinds of things which were brought out in the structural report I think there .
9 MP Jim Wallace made his appeal for such an inquiry on the floor of the House of Commons ; and when the topic was brought up at the Scottish Liberal Democrats Conference , he was supported by Judy Steel , wife of the former leader of the Liberal Party , and herself one of the first ever Reporters to a Children 's Panel when the system began in 1971 .
10 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
11 As a male Caucasian with a father who had died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 59 , I was brought up in the smoky atmosphere of a northern industrial town .
12 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
13 The son of a Scottish father who deserted the family home at an early age and a Jewish mother , McLaren was brought up in the middle-class London suburb of Edgware .
14 She was brought up in the colonial culture of India and married to a senior military figure .
15 And although he was brought up in the Protestant culture of Scotland 's capital , he is a fervent supporter of Celtic , the club of Roman Catholic persuasion in the hostile territory of Glasgow .
16 I was brought back to the mundane present by the shiver of chill that ran over me .
17 In 1979 an operational researcher was brought in from the academic world to look at the use being made of Exminster .
18 Medical practice booklets four years ago or it 's five years now I guess , five years ago erm er it 's almost five , legislation was brought in by the then Health Secretary Ken Clarke now our dear Chancellor .
19 Free banking was brought in by the big banks to fight off the challenge of building societies , who were offering high-interest accounts .
20 There was nothing to suggest the reduction in capital was brought about with the deliberate intention to obtain legal aid to which he would otherwise not be elegible .
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