Example sentences of "[was/were] put [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The guests were put up in the Inter-Continental Hotel which overlooks the stretch of the Landwehr Canal into which the Freikorps threw the dead body of Rosa Luxembourg in 1919 .
2 Notices warning of the dangers of thin ice were put up in the last few days when the lake froze over .
3 These decent working-class houses were put up in the 1770s and 1780s , where land was cheap and when building materials were plentiful , wages in the building trades relatively low , and money relatively cheap .
4 They were put on to the French market one at a time with intervals between the sales .
5 Opponents of the idea that the management of education and training can benefit from the lessons of business and industry found it ironic that the messages which were put out in the two documents criticized weaknesses in the world of employers rather than of educators .
6 Does the hon. Gentleman accept that , if he is as keen as I am to provide a level playing field for road and rail , he should recognise that , when motorways were built around Greater Manchester , of three footpaths that crossed the motorway , one was closed or diverted and bridges or underpasses were put in for the other two .
7 As for Mr 's point that Not Mr b Steven 's point that the erm figures for the strategic guidance for West and South Yorkshire were done on a different basis , those figures with the exception of Sheffield , were erm figures that were put in by the local planning authorities , the Secretary of State accepted those figures , they were done on the nineteen eighty five based household projections , coupled with different assumptions about vacancy rates and demolitions etcetera , and the Secretary of State accepted those figures .
8 There were serious disturbances in Beirut and Tripoli which were put down by the new Lebanese administration with the help of French troops .
9 The riots were put down by the Yugoslav National Army ( JNA ) , with support from Serbia , in an apparent rebuttal of the Croatian authorities ; observers noted that this was the first time that the JNA , whose officer corps was dominated by ethnic Serbs , had been used to put down violence outside Serbia itself .
10 It is also possible that many advertisers were put off by the political tone .
11 When he arrived in Bristol he was put up in the old Bright 's ( temperance ) Hotel at the rear of the present Dingle 's store .
12 Spain 's Alcatel Sesa SA has taken control of two Polish companies , PZT Telkom , which employs 640 people in Warsaw , and Teletra , which has about 1,300 employees making public telephone exchanges ; Alcatel Sesa said it would guarantee jobs for 1,650 people at the two firms for the next 18 months and committed itself to increasing the capital of the two companies by another $25m within a year ; it plans to start manufacturing the Alcatel 1000 S-12 exchange in Poland , where it says it has already built eight digital exchanges in Poland with a $60m credit that was put up by the Spanish government .
13 A barrier designed to stop vehicles gaining access to Orford Ness and damaging flood defences and wildlife habitat was put up by the National Rivers Authority last year and is controlled by the FCO .
14 Nigel leafed through a few large-print Agatha Christies but was put off by the noxious inexplicable stains on the pages .
15 Hunt was put out of the new US Grand Prix ( West ) at Long Beach , following a shunt with Patric Depailler ( Fra ) as Lauda finished second to stretch his lead to 18 points .
16 Another £100.000 was put down for the National Union of Journalists , despite its clear and well-known policy of not investing in newspapers because of the inevitable conflict of interest in its role as champion of higher wages for journalists .
17 He was put down in the spare bedroom with the blinds closed against the sun , and Jim sat with him telling him stories until he fell asleep .
18 There was a lot of short-pitched bowling , with a vast array of slips and gullies , but Gooch ( 8 ) survived a low catch to Inzamam off Akram , and Stewart ( 14 ) was put down by the same fielder at full stretch off the same bowler when 14 .
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