Example sentences of "[was/were] use [verb] [adj] [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Junk bonds were used to finance leveraged buyouts and takeovers , with the aim of extracting value from existing bondholders and shareholders .
2 The issue was important because the final census figures were used to apportion federal funds and political representation between individual states and districts .
3 This information was used to confirm residential details and parental names .
4 The two sample Wilcoxon 's rank sum test was used to analyse unpaired observations and the Wilcoxon 's signed rank test to analyse paired observations .
5 One of these summary reports was used to identify good teachers and good teaching , in the context of the White Paper Teaching Quality and the discussion of teacher appraisal .
6 When democracy returned , the chairmanship was used to reward political services and to advance careers .
7 The wool saved was used to knit new toes and heels .
8 Group work ( often favoured by teachers in informal schools ) was used to develop individual gifts and abilities .
9 It was used to try ecclesiastical matters and to settle disputed wills and land settlements .
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