Example sentences of "[was/were] then [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The results were then calculated as the average error across the 20 readings for a single condition for each of the three pre- and post-adaptation phase conditions .
2 These higher standards were then generalised throughout the larger area .
3 The adjacent roads were then diverted into the new town .
4 These were then incorporated into the relevant parts of the student management system software .
5 John Chalcraft , Managing Director at the Brewery ( 1928–69 ) and H.J. Young ( who ran the Club during the First War ) , were then appointed as the first Financial Advisers , in consultation with the Captain .
6 Two adjacent strips containing mucosa from the corpus , antrum , and pylorus were then cut from the anterior and posterior aspects , resulting in four strips from each specimen .
7 Using the method recommended by Dunlap , Jones and Bittner ( 1983 ) correlations were calculated for each subject individually across the 24 films used in this study , correlations were then averaged for the 48 subjects using Fisher 's z transformation ( Silver & Dunlap 1987 ) .
8 The carriers were then returned to the western end of the shop and the cycle repeated .
9 Mothers of Welsh infants of similar age were then recruited from the same areas of the city ; they were thus living in similar accommodation and served by the same health professionals .
10 His babe in arms would be no more responsive to Lloyd George 's leonine appearance than would an accompanying parakeet in a cage and if both , having seen him , were then carried around the National Gallery , it would be equally valid to claim that they had seen the works of art on display as well .
11 They were then driven around the darkened streets of Istanbul while the police officers threatened , ‘ How dare you make complaints against us ’ , before they were released in another district of the city .
12 These were then filed behind the corresponding divider/heading card .
13 The stainless steel split pins were then removed from the 14 castellated nuts and the main caps drawn off with a length of 1/2″ BSF threaded rod and a large section of channel .
14 He drew in his breath sharply and gave the change to his wife , who put it into a double-clasped purse , which was then hidden in the inner pocket of a locked handbag .
15 Alan Williams made a special steel flywheel , and this was then bolted to the standard Cummins one to give the two halves of the clutch .
16 A survey was then conducted of the Employed Bar , and of non-practising barristers , although the latter could not be systematically canvassed .
17 Sumawe , who had a previous best of 2:15:26 and was an early Berlin pacemaker until a lace came loose , was then overhauled by the Soviet Muhamed Hamat Nazipov ( 2:14:04 and $9000 ) and Mohammed Salmi , an Algerian run over in last year 's race ( 2:14:19/$7000 ) but the Tanzanian 's 2:14:22 was also inside Jan Hurak 's previous 2:14:30 record .
18 The final version of the report , as agreed with the Head of Department , was then presented to the whole Art department at a formal meeting and discussed a paragraph at a time .
19 So my Lord on the twenty sixth of September , a Thursday , contracts were exchanged er and that completion date was then fixed at the eighteen of October and those facts are admitted , there is no dispute about those .
20 In many places this molten material was then injected into the fractured rock formed by the thrusting movements , and later , when it solidified , a veinwork of pseudotachylite occurred throughout the gneiss , ‘ welding ’ it together and eventually producing a resistant rock which , in some areas , gives rise to higher hills as at Eaval in South Uist .
21 His statement referred to the 1956 decision on withdrawal , noting that membership " was in conflict with the wishes of the people in 1956 and during the last elections , and we think the whole agreement is unnecessary " ; the matter was then referred to the relevant parliamentary committees .
22 The matter was then referred to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council for advice and they eventually reported ( in Re MacManaway [ 1951 ] AC 161 ) that he was disqualified .
23 He was then posted to the Royal Radar Research Establishment at Malvern as a technical staff officer .
24 In 1959 the paper was sold to East African Newspapers Ltd of Nairobi , publishers of the Daily Nation , and was then printed in the Kenyan capital for sale in Tanzania .
25 The saltcake was then converted into the desired soda by heating it with coal and limestone in large revolving furnaces .
26 The expression of the same carbohydrate antigens was then studied in the colonic epithelium of the 11 patients with PSC .
27 The Minister declared , however , that any form of property tax would constitute a betrayal of what was then seen as the Thatcherite mantle , of middle England — Conservative England — and of those who had scrimped and saved to secure their homes .
28 This was then applied to the native influences on his economic thought .
29 The traveller was then grilled by the corrupt Indian border officials : ‘ Their custom was to take a quarter of everything brought in by the merchants and to exact a duty of seven dinars for every horse . ’
30 The analysis was then repeated with the simulated data .
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