Example sentences of "[was/were] not going [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 How did you how your m mother er come to terms with the idea that you were n't going to go to the county school ?
2 They were n't going to settle for the one goal .
3 She was glad they were n't going to stay at the farm , though .
4 She was not going to fall into the trap of thinking she wanted Vitor as Vitor .
5 But I was not going to submit to the suffering of being preserved in a past that was not my own .
6 Last week the Director of Public Prosecutions formally told the men 's second appeal court that he was not going to rely on the scientific evidence .
7 He said Sabine rushed out of the study , saying she was not going to wait on the boat any longer .
8 Matthew was not going to rise to the bait his mother dangled so expertly in front of him .
9 She was n't going to lie to the child but she was going to talk to her .
10 Like most at the top of the business , Reitzle was n't going to go on the record either openly praising or criticising Giugiaro .
11 Right from the start I was utterly determined I was n't going to fall into the trap of the idle , pampered , rich man 's son .
12 He was n't going to fall in the paint …
13 At lunchtime the aid started going off and I suddenly realised that I was n't going to get through the afternoon — ’
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