Example sentences of "[was/were] not [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Inter-word boundary effects were not implemented for the first prototype .
2 Some panel members believed that decisions taken by the Children 's Panel were not implemented by the Social Work Department , and therefore threatened the independence and integrity of the Panel .
3 Tensions were not eased by the grudging spirit in which toleration had been granted .
4 It looks as if the two books were not conceived as a single entity although they interrelate in the way that Hilton picks up and elaborates aspects of the subject of Scale 1 in Scale 2 .
5 A central committee advisory board was created to accommodate three " old guard " revolutionaries who were not re-elected to the political bureau , namely Souphanouvong , Phoumi Vongvichit and Sisomphone Lovansay .
6 Q. Is there any comeback in law is a horse reveals faults which were not declared by the previous owner at the time of the sale ?
7 Calls for democracy along western lines with a multi-party system , free choice of candidates and free elections were not tolerated by the old party leaders , Who clung to centralised ‘ socialist democracy ’ .
8 But these deaths were not caused by an avenging spirit from beneath the sunset .
9 Drawings were not done to a standard scale ; the metric system was just being introduced in France and its conquered territories , where it replaced a range of different miles , fathoms , feet and inches ; and there were no standard interchangeable parts , even nuts and bolts and screws being individual .
10 They were not forewarned of the final paragraph , added by a Vatican envoy : ‘ There is no way the Bishops could want to be disrespectful to His Excellency the Life President of the Republic , whom they hold in high esteem . ’
11 Moreover , some studies suggested that the crucial floating voters were not characterised by a high degree of interest , involvement , and knowledge , but by ignorance and indifference , and they were less involved in following the election campaign than were those who were keenly attached to a party .
12 The huge debts which Edward inherited from his father were not redeemed until the last four years of his reign when a lengthy if fragile truce with Scotland , together with reform and refinement of treasury administration , and ruthless exactions from the Contrariants and any other offenders , enabled Edward II to leave , as no subsequent medieval king was to do , a solvent crown to his successor .
13 Flights were not disrupted by the bad visibility .
14 Nor are evolutionary processes progressive or purposive ; the primitive single-celled creatures which were our early forebears were not possessed of a burning imperative , or driven by a mystic higher force , to evolve into sentient humans .
15 But those changes were not met with the politicized and combative attitudes of the past .
16 Will the Secretary of State explain how he was able to commission a review of teaching methods in a matter of a few weeks , although his minimum standards — first laid down in 1981 — were not met in the 10 years that the Government allowed themselves , and the current review will not now report until the autumn ?
17 These , he says , were not overcome without a long struggle .
18 They imposed a ban on all unemployment relief organisations that were not run through the Nazi Party .
19 Administrative problems played their part in this story since the centres were not run by the same authorities as those managing the state hospitals .
20 The valuations are those of estate agent Peter Freitag but , on this occasion , they were not based on the usual detailed investigation of the inside of the houses .
21 But this would not be the case where the trust assets were not exposed to the same risk that the other vendors accept .
22 The tenders were not received until the following week .
23 The DTI could have responded by saying that the absence of the monitoring return was a serious matter , that it would allow a short extension , but that ‘ consideration would need to be given to revoking the licence if a satisfactory and duly verified monitoring return were not received by the specified date . ’
24 They also knew they were not connected with the humanitarian assistance programme ( NHAO ) that was eventually run for the contras by the State Department , since those aircraft were ‘ beautiful brand-new L-100s , the most beautifully painted things ’ .
25 But their importance was overlaid by the less formal and increasingly numerous letters of the type found in the state papers , the Privy Council 's register , and private collections : letters that conveyed information , advice , admonition , and informal orders ; documents that were not bound by the rigid formularies of legal requirement .
26 She 'd always envied Mandy her wonderful looks and her voluptuous compact figure , but she had long ago accepted the fact that she and Mandy were not made of the same stuff .
27 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
28 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
29 Pairs of brooches often have similar values of silver , but some reveal significant differences in copper values indicating they were not made from the same batch of metal .
30 However , in Re Cadbury Schweppes Ltd 's Agreement [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 307 a parent company and a subsidiary were not treated as a single person where two companies agreed to accept restrictions on the supply of goods to a third which was a subsidiary of one of them .
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