Example sentences of "[was/were] not [verb] [to-vb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the thunderstorms of the morning , i hoped we were not going to need it in the improving afternoon weather .
2 I wonder whether they were n't trying to get it for the museum .
3 Mr Browne had a gerbil in a cage in the classroom , but we were n't allowed to take it to the dorms — it had to stay in the classroom .
4 ‘ I thought we were n't going to do it like this any more , ’ Rogers said .
5 You were n't planning to use it for any of your own guests , were you ? ’
6 Without meaning there is only suffering , and I was not going to leave it at that .
7 Though she had swum the river on her own , she obviously was not going to risk it with her family .
8 I was desperately seeking some sort of reassurance , some sort of comeback from someone , but it soon became plain that I was not going to get it from her .
9 He had something else on his mind too , but was not allowed to divulge it to anybody else , under the threat of being ‘ pulped to mush ’ .
10 But I was n't allowed to take it with me when I left ; it was n't really mine at all .
11 ‘ She listened to me and said , ‘ I 'm sorry , darling , but I was n't going to do it for you .
12 She had the feeling that he was n't going to take it at all well and , like the Taurean bull that he was , he was highly dangerous when aroused .
13 I was n't going to leave it for much longer at all .
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