Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] go [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You do , you got , Lee the other night , it 's like Lee last Monday , went on the work experience and Monday night it all came down it 's pouring , oh it 's alright he says , were only going to go to the Woking
2 The leading frog realized that if they were ever going to get to the new flower and survive there , there 'd need to be a lot more than one frog .
3 Virginia was beginning to think they were both going to collapse in a heap , when the spit of tyres on gravel announced the arrival of Guy 's Aston Martin , skidding to an abrupt halt as he saw their plight .
4 The first-years , after a first term filled with the medieval period and a second with the Renaissance , were now going to learn about the Baroque .
5 The development of the Group was obviously going to depend upon the capacity of management to monitor current , not historical , trends .
6 Anyway , she was only going to look at a cottage .
7 It asks why the sun bothered to start the cycle of life at all if life was just going to end at the middle like the soldiers life .
8 I was once going to go on a trip , my mate and I we go a trip to er a train cruise down from er down through Italy and of course
9 Timbuctu may have lost some of its mystique but still attracts more legionnaires than lager-louts and was always going to appeal to the adventure-seekers who answered the call of the organising triumvirate of Jerome Viellard , Oliver du Plessis and Ann-Pascale Suppot-Reveilhac .
10 But poor old Wayne Phillips was always going to suffer for the demise of the local hero , unless he got at least 100 in his first trip to the crease .
11 For instance , in September 1989 , with the Tory Party set to extend its organisation into Northern Ireland , he was asked if Labour was also going to move into the 17 ‘ missing constituencies ’ .
12 It was never going to happen before the next Parliament , if ever . ’
13 It was never going to happen before the next Parliament , if ever . ’
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