Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Both population and employment were already falling in the former London County Council area between 1951 and 1961 , and the process intensified in all cities after 1966 .
2 The Scots were meanwhile retreating along the same route by which they had advanced , but to a very different reception .
3 The Sri Lankan government on April 1 issued a denial of claims that its navy had shot at two Indian fishing trawlers in the prawn-catching area off the north of the island on March 11 and 16 ; seven people were still missing after the latter incident .
4 The Troop Commander thought that they were probably flying round the same small area in a patch of strong sunlight to keep warm ; the Troop Staff Sergeant opined that there was probably something nasty buried beneath the carpet of dead leaves .
5 Emily bit her lip , the girl was obviously in touch with Craig , perhaps they were even living in the same house .
6 Although Attlee and Greenwood were ready to accept the invitation , they did not do so at once but made sure that both the National Executive and the annual Conference , which were conveniently meeting at the same time , it being the Whit weekend , were fully consulted and in agreement with their acceptance of office .
7 No I was just , I was just thinking about the same .
8 He was still sitting in the same chair , staring into space like a man in a trance .
9 When I came back , cos I went in on the way to the hairdresser 's , to find out about it , and I thought I 'd buy him on the way back , when I went back it was still sitting in the same place with its tail hanging out of the back .
10 That monolith to Lasso Rinding Puang Sangalla , the last great king of the Star Children , was still lying in the same position when I next visited the Rante — eleven years later .
11 Claudia raced for the towel ; he was still standing in the same place and still looking helpless as she dealt briskly with the spill .
12 Ballesteros explained that at a meeting of top players at Wentworth last year he had pushed the idea of more match-play golf and when told that American captain Tom Watson was also planning on the same lines he said : ‘ He copied me . ’
13 Morrissey was simply experimenting with the many facets of media attention .
14 So for the rest of the month I was in charge of wages , piece rates , training , negotiations and all the rest of it , and then one day a month I was regularly calling on the same customers in Bloomsbury and I was collecting money , selling the goods and so on , which I think was a very important part of my continued training .
15 I had to leave my place in front of the screen frequently and go behind to convince myself that each new voice was indeed coming from the same man .
16 Although she did not even turn to look at him , a delicious warmth began to spread through her inert form — as though some electrical force was quietly pulsing across the few feet of water separating their bodies .
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