Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although the colliery communities -were never really associated with the cult of respectability , which was so important in dividing the " rough " from the " respectable " working class in Victorian England , nevertheless the pit brow women were regarded as a moral threat .
2 But the appointments were presumably also made on the assumption that the men concerned could be relied upon to obey Gloucester rather than the Woodvilles , an assumption which , during the protectorate , seems to have been vindicated .
3 But the appointments were presumably also made on the assumption that the men concerned could be relied upon to obey Gloucester rather than the Woodvilles , an assumption which , during the protectorate , seems to have been vindicated .
4 Staff training stressed service and advice rather than aggressive selling , and people found the Board shops ( or ‘ service centres ’ as they were rather coyly called before the 1960s ) helpful on matters such as fixing plugs , and advice on safety , reliability , running costs and brand choice .
5 Although most socialist writers were agreed that crime resulted from the misery , exploitation , greed and selfishness promoted by the private property relationships of capitalism , they were rather less agreed on the status of the criminal .
6 The only contraception that was on offer ( though sporadically ) was for use by men , whose interests were arguably better served by the birth of another son than by their wives ' good health .
7 In Northern Nigeria , he succeeded in detaching the judicial system and the technical departments from the grip of the administrative service , whose claims to omnipotence and omnicompetence were thereby permanently reduced from the heights to which they had risen a decade before .
8 There remained differences , however , between the industrial and agricultural sectors of European society , and these differences were most clearly reflected in the bourgeois advocacy of free trade and the aristocratic demand for tariffs .
9 When " comprehension moves " were made they were most frequently noted at the end of a read , although there was often no follow-up on understanding text at all .
10 This agitation was directed principally at those members of the planning office , the full Council , and the Planning Committee who were most closely identified with the housing policy .
11 The National Executive wrote to the four signatories and supporters who were most closely identified with the Petition campaign , Bevan , Strauss , Cdr Young , and W. Bruce , asking them to discontinue their support for the campaign or face expulsion from the Party .
12 Preference values for health states were most commonly derived from the matrix developed by Kind et al .
13 However market relations were much less developed in the Kursk guberniia than in the productive Ukraine and Volga areas .
14 That too is a problem , but I must say that we were much better prepared for the Inter-Continental Cup than a couple of other tournaments — that only makes our failure to qualify more disappointing .
15 Unlike in the Reich , where the Nazis had sealed off the German people and the NSDAP membership from foreign scrutiny , and where investigative journalism , hostile comment and moral concern were all about to disappear into the camps , leaving the party accountable to no-one , Danzig was never able fully to apply these principles simply because the city remained a ward of the League of Nations .
16 ‘ Wearing a white beret in among Australians , New Zealanders and every type of nationality out there brought some great wolf whistles , which were naturally not received in the right manner .
17 ( In fact , sets right at the top of this range were only rarely included in the testing programme . )
18 Their observations were only partially based on the fall in the number of cases brought before the courts .
19 Both men lived through the Depression , but Fraser 's depressions were only indirectly linked with the hardships of people he knew .
20 The fragmentation of the trade — the implications of which were only dimly perceived at the time — was to become of crucial importance later and will be looked at in more detail below .
21 This is particularly the case when critical attention is being focused on details of spoken language which were only ever intended by the speaker as ephemeral parts , relatively unimportant , of the working-out of what he wanted to say .
22 This is what so fascinated the European Film Award Jury ( which included myself ) — that conventional thinking about the Provos , the Ascendancy , religion , prostitution and homosexuality were so confidently challenged within the film 's quite conventional framework .
23 The trade unions have sustained the Labour party over all these years and Labour gave the trade unions the appalling powers which were so badly abused in the run-up to the 1979 election when , as we all know , the country was brought to its knees by a new strike almost every week .
24 Pan American 's privileged position , and the British government 's perceived failure to assist BOAC 's own position , were so strongly resented by the British company that all but one of its directors resigned in protest in March 1943 .
25 At this stage , however , only a small number of men were so closely identified with the Woodvilles that they were perceived as a threat by Richard .
26 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
27 At this stage , however , only a small number of men were so closely identified with the Woodvilles that they were perceived as a threat by Richard .
28 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
29 It is not clear why the motives of the White Paper of 1943 , the intentions of the inspectorate and the hopes of educational reformers were so little heeded in the specific detail of selection .
30 But who constituted " the people " , whose rights against monarchs were so ringingly asserted by the Calvinist and Huguenot writers ?
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