Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However such farmers were necessarily exceptions within a farming community where shortening bush/fallow cycles were retained ; they did not provide a solution to the underlying problem .
2 But they were only hammers in a sense .
3 To Judith they were just faces in a photograph .
4 the events were just part of a programme of special attractions running until the end of September .
5 A few moments later the two heroes were just specks under a cloud of dust , heading down towards the charcoal city .
6 My girl-friend and I were just making-up after a quarrel .
7 Later generations were frequently reminded that they were once members of a slave community whom the Lord had mercifully redeemed from bondage .
8 They were automatically members of a minority which was loathed and persecuted by a substantial section of society .
9 Such new , articulate expression may have derived from the fact that older people in the late 1930s comprised the first fully literate generation and were also members of a cohort which had ‘ acquired trade union habits and organisation ’ .
10 There were calls to strengthen the role of the Agricultural Training Board , which had been founded amid great acrimony and much suspicion among farmers in the late 1960s , and there were also suggestions of a campaign in schools to extol the benefits of working in agriculture and to counteract the industry 's image of unskilled drudgery .
11 To that extent , Pan Am , its insurance underwriters and the 16 members of the Pan Am crew were also victims of an act of war against the United States .
12 Whatever the validity of the various claims advanced in 1483–4 , they were surely justifications for a decision taken on other grounds .
13 Whatever the validity of the various claims advanced in 1483–4 , they were surely justifications for a decision taken on other grounds .
14 It was foolish , even stupid ; it was n't as if we were even contenders for a medal .
15 The chief opposition spokesman , Brian Gould , MP for Dagenham , pointed out that there were actually signs of an upturn in demand for shipbuilding .
16 It was obviously time for a change .
17 She kept a cow , and although there was only water from a well ‘ up top of the garden ’ , this was another spotless house : ‘ she always kept a nice white cloth down over her stair matting , washed and ironed each week .
18 erm The tombs bear witness to this , there 's two governors actually , Sir William Pendon who died of one of the epidemics in Oxford and Sir Henry Gage who was another governor , who was only governor for a month because he was killed in a scuffle near Abingdon .
19 And it it was quite strange , it was just sort of a row of houses
20 They 'd have a little fancy shawl or My Grandma used to always have a fancy shawl that Just a small thing that came , you know , a bit down their back and And my Grandma used to wear erm a white much It was just thing like a baby 's A cotton thing , tied with a just a string , you know just to erm just a tie under her chin and it would have a wee bit of lace s on the corner , or the or the end of the tie , that was through the day and it was all ruffled , and then when she was on holiday and came into town she had a a thing on her head made of velvet and it all had fancy little things in it .
21 The studio was once part of a railway company property and that is where the old railwayman comes in .
22 There was always work on a lighthouse , and the sea did not wait for morning .
23 But there was always time for a look at the lighter side of life too , as you 'll find out in , ’ A Decade of News ’ , tomorrow , Wednesday and Thursday at six twenty-five .
24 While the incident curbed her wilder high jinks , Diana was always game for a dare .
25 There was hardly room for a washing line in the back .
26 I knew it could n't be restored to what it had been in the old days , but there was still room for a club where members had fun rather than did business .
27 And whatever the matter in hand , there was still time for a perusal of Wednesday 's football results .
28 Afterwards , there was still time for a spot of shopping and sight-seeing before embarking for home after a very enjoyable day .
29 From its size the experts think your pen was probably part of a child 's set .
30 It was probably part of a family plot , or a local farm estate , possibly concentrated around a small chapel or mausoleum .
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