Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] at the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We arrived at Addis Ababa at midday on 28 October and were received at the railway station by the Emperor .
2 Not for the first time , seats were wrecked at the showpiece stadium and maintenance men have spent the day at Ibrox assessing the full extent of the damage at the Celtic end of the ground .
3 Titled ‘ The New Democratic Pictures ’ , a selection of which were previewed at the Aarhus Kunstmuseum in Denmark in September , they feature the first nude portraits of the artists .
4 She did mind , though , and , as they were met at the emergency entrance with a wheeled stretcher-bed for Faye and a paged message for Tom summoning him to the renal unit to attend urgently to another patient , her concern for Faye 's condition battled for priority in her thoughts with painful images of Marise Wyspianski glowing in the magic aura of Tom 's kiss , and of Tom himself , at the wheel of the Mercedes just moments ago , staring so grimly into the Christmas Eve traffic .
5 The two 15-feet-high statues were manufactured at the state plant in St Petersburg but , following the soviet collapse , were never claimed by those who commissioned them .
6 Houses were built at the street frontage , whilst the interiors of each square or chequer provided garden space .
7 Yesterday , busloads of lads were disgorged at the city square to make their feelings plain .
8 The announcements were made at the InterOp conference in Washington .
9 The Life of Udalric of Augsburg refers lyrically to the specially composed chants which were performed at the Palm Sunday services on the hill called ‘ Perleihc ’ by the canons and boys of Augsburg cathedral .
10 Many of the paintings were shown at the Museo Civico Archeologico , Bologna , the Pinacoteca Civica and Chiesa del Rosario , Cento , and the Schirn Kunsthalle , Frankfurt , before the present showing .
11 Concerns that the threat of an imposition of VAT on books remains live were aired at the BA a.g.m. this week .
12 This is not the place to discuss the report at length , but to mention one or two points that were aired at the press conference to introduce it .
13 You were employed at the Child Poverty Action Group on the basis of a generous grant from the Noel Buxton Trust and the City Parochial Foundation .
14 Other leading Whigs were invited to these meetings as necessary , whilst larger meetings were convened at the Rose Tavern when tactics needed to be communicated to the party faithful prior to activity in Parliament .
15 However , on November 26th 1676 , six constables , four beadles and several others were set at the chapel doors in order to arrest Baxter .
16 32 people were arrested at the party site , which had been occupied by a group of travellers .
17 Elderly residents of St George 's Court , Sheerness , Kent were entertained at the tea party given by the 1st Sheppey Pack .
18 The IDA were represented at the press conference by John Gannon , the IDA 's Executive Director , and Thomas Linehan , its Regional Manager for Cork .
19 They were seated at the breakfast bar in the kitchen , and she pointed to a row of cereal boxes at the far side of the room .
20 First steps were taken at the HSE conference in Jakarta .
21 Added to this there was the alarming , although on closer inspection ambiguous , evidence of concerted communist plans for Asia as a whole that were discussed at the World Federation of Democratic Youth Conference in Calcutta in February 1948 .
22 C 5 -unmethylated phasmid DNA was incubated with S-adenosyl-[ 3 H ] -methionine and Dcm or Dcm/Cys177Ser ; aliquots of the reaction mixture were removed at the time points indicated and DNA precipitated with 20% aqueous TCA .
23 Leeds City 's fixtures were taken over by Port Vale , while the players were auctioned at the Hotel Metropole in the strangest football sale of the century .
24 The two were combined at the planning stage , as illustrated by the written analysis to the County Development Plan of 1962 .
25 Fingers across the map to retrace their journey — from the New Inn they went to the English chapel , walked to the shore , saw the Marischal College , were welcomed at the Town House , viewed Old Aberdeen , looked at the Old College , visited the King 's College where Sir Alexander Gordon was professor of Medicine , and visited two bookshops .
26 Both were constructed at the Chrzanow Locomotive Works in Poland , one in 1954 and work on restoring these , plus regauging them for use on the centre 's narrow gauge line will start in the near future .
27 Next morning , the trumpets were blown at the North Gate and the Knight Marischal 's banner hoisted , with shouted demands for King Edward to appear .
28 The new drives were launched at the Comdex PC exhibition in Las Vegas , so our editor should be able to tell you all about them .
29 During a heated debate , accusations of lack of democracy and ‘ Ku-Klux-Klan-type secrecy ’ were levelled at the executive members of Dunoon and Cowal Tourist Board .
30 PARISHIONERS and clergy looked back at the past year on Sunday when Headley 's annual vestry and parish meetings were held at the Church Centre .
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