Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] a second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The legal arrangements for unification were contained in a second state treaty ( the first state treaty having been that providing for economic and monetary union — see pp. 37466-67 ) .
2 Until very recently the essential oil trade was almost exclusively confined to the perfume and flavours industries — where synthetic or nature identical substances were included without a second thought .
3 Before counting ( LKB Wallac 1260 Multigamma II counter ) they were transferred to a second Falcon tube to exclude 1 2 5 I-IFN γ bound to plastic .
4 ELABORATE last-ditch attempts to save a town from lava flowing from Sicily 's Mount Etna were postponed for a second day yesterday because of poor weather .
5 United kept going … kept chasing and just before half-time were rewarded with a second goal
6 United kept going … kept chasing and just before half-time were rewarded with a second goal
7 The ace of diamonds and another club ruff were followed by a second heart ruff in dummy , leaving the following position :
8 Twenty-one years after the end of the First World War the British people were subjected to a second war , which , while it produced only half as many British military casualties as the first , struck more radically at the lives of ordinary civilians .
9 The thawed samples were spun at 1000 g for 10 minutes and 500 µl aliquots were taken into a second acid washed plastic tube , diluted 1:9 with ultrapure 0.11 M nitric acid , and analysed by ICPES ( Philips PV 8050 ) at the following wavelengths : potassium 766.49 nm , sodium 588.99 nm , magnesium 383.83 nm , copper 324.75 nm , calcium 315.89 nm , iron 259.94 nm , and zinc 213.86 nm .
10 Run-off elections were held in a second round of voting on Feb. 16 and 23 where no candidate had obtained a simple majority in the first round .
11 Thus Saxony was conquered for a second time .
12 The case was heard for a second time in mid-1986 , when he was convicted on six counts of espionage and sentenced to life imprisonment , but the verdict was later overturned .
13 The effectiveness of the Concentrated Reinforcement Programme was not addressed in this study , but was examined in a second study ( described later on in this chapter ) .
14 Haygarth Jackson was reappointed for a second term as chairman of Publications and Information Board .
15 A report on the extent and nature of the feedback was included in a second document circulated to all schools in 1980 .
16 Navigation and survey project work run from Swindon was dominated by a second season working for the Italian Government on search and salvage of aircraft wreckage deep offshore Italy .
17 To strengthen the validity of this conclusion , a group of symptomatic patients without coeliac disease with normal intestinal mucosa was added as a second control group , in addition to age matched normal controls .
18 In a Nottingham mining family the grandfather was named as a second father : ‘ I used to call him ‘ father ’ and me dad , ‘ dad ’ . ’
19 PRIME Minister John Major 's ‘ classless society ’ was revealed as a second class sham yesterday — from the school playground to the factory floor .
20 The effect was that Craig did not receive 1,476 out of the 3,813 papers on which he was shown as a second preference .
21 The truth was told by a second half in which they monopolised the ball and did n't make one opening .
22 Non-smoking ( never smoking combined with tried but stopped ) was used as a second end point .
23 The questionnaire used the term ‘ mild ’ to describe all self treated episodes and ‘ severe ’ to describe all episodes where help was needed from a second person .
24 Clarke entered the Royal Military Academy , and in 1847 came first in his class and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Royal Engineers .
25 Ben Gill was re-elected for a second year as deputy , and Tony Pexton for a second year as vice-president .
26 At the last presidential elections , held on Jan. 31-Feb. 1 , 1988 , Mauno Koivisto , the candidate supported primarily by the SSDP , failed to win the required absolute majority but was re-elected for a second term by the electoral college on Feb. 15 [ see pp. 35853-54 ] .
27 Diouf was re-elected for a second term at the same time .
28 President : Chaim Herzog was first elected by the Knesset to the largely ceremonial post of President in 1983 ; he was re-elected for a second term in 1988 .
29 Later another partially ignited device was found in a second furniture shop but caused only minor damage .
30 To standardise the manner in which information was presented by the investigator , patients were simply left to digest the written information for one hour , but they were given the opportunity to clarify anything which they did not understand before their state of anxiety was reassessed by a second Spielberger questionnaire .
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