Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But because interest rates were expected to drop gradually over the coming 12 months , the view was that by early 1991 confidence would have returned , volumes picked up and prices started to lift — even if only by the inflation rate .
2 New arrivals were expected to blend smoothly into the fabric of Canadian life .
3 The Blackpool cars were the largest , seating 84 , and two conductors were carried to cope respectively with the upper deck and the large platform doors .
4 Under South Korean electoral law only officially registered campaign workers were permitted to participate formally in the campaign .
5 The other structures were dispersed to linger only in the imagination of designers ; in its place Conservative freedom provided London with the first of the giant company headquarters built in the style of Orwell 's Ministry of Truth — the Shell building ( 1958 ) .
6 Indeed in cases where such companies had a vital stake , as with the British South Africa Union Minière in Zaire they were seen to behave badly at the very point at which their host countries became independent .
7 From the back of the room where they were made to stand apart from the family for the rest of the ceremony , the three children were able to hear only snatches of their grandfather 's words as he conducted a long discourse praising the virtues of his dead parent .
8 Subjects were asked to look either to the left or to the right while choosing the odd one out from among three Hebrew words .
9 Erm you were asked to look carefully at the music of the first two bars then write the music of bar three .
10 If what Tillich says of the Buddhist concept of compassion were taken to apply also to the Hindu concept of compassion , then his assessment is equally inaccurate in that context .
11 Apparently he thought that she and Mitch would get into no end of mischief if they were allowed to sit together in the back .
12 For years the yield from customs had been declining , in part because the rates were allowed to lag well behind the rise in prices , in part because of bad management .
13 Crushed , however , at the Lechfeld near Augsburg in 955 by Otto I , they were forced to turn inwards to the settlement of the Danubian plain .
14 While in former years parents were encouraged to stay together for the sake of their children , more recently emphasis has been put on the damage done to children by parents who do stay married but are in constant conflict .
15 Other children were left to wander home in the dark .
16 As there was little justification for the lengths to which these itinerant justices went , when a vigorous protest was made to the king he promptly issued a writ ordering them to refrain from hearing testamentary , matrimonial and moral causes ; these matters were confirmed to fall exclusively within the competence of the church courts .
17 Also , the wardens of the Forest of Dean , and of the forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges , were required to account directly at the Exchequer for the revenues of their bailiwicks , instead of farming them as had been the previous practice .
18 On April 30th , a Golan resident proclaimed in a radio interview that he and his friends would open fire on Israeli soldiers if they were ordered to do so by the elected leadership of the 12,000-odd Golan settlers .
19 Paul asked the Corinthians , and the unanswerable logic of his question was designed to cut decisively at the root of ingratitude .
20 Were such a test to be adopted in future , it would reintroduce into British obscenity law a wholly subjective assessment of taste and decency with respect to works of art and public communications , and it would do so by amending an Act which was designed to focus solely on the question of harm .
21 Also , because of the absence of any significant physical evidence , the case against Noriega was expected to rely heavily on the testimony of self-confessed drug criminals who had reached plea bargaining arrangements with the US authorities in return for giving evidence .
22 But in fact it added to my Saturday work because I was expected to clean more with the new machine .
23 Indo-Soviet trade , which had been increasing rapidly , was expected to grow further after the signing of a trade protocol worth Rs70,000 million in 1989 , a 35 per cent increase over the sum for 1988 .
24 The Chairman of Scottish Power , Sir Donald Miller , said the market for waste incineration was expected to grow substantially in the coming years , " in the light of increased environmental concerns and the regulation of traditional dumping techniques " .
25 It was seen to derive directly from the dual functions of the state , the securing of accumulation and legitimation .
26 It was said to dine exclusively on the bodies of hen-pecked husbands .
27 When this expectation was disappointed it was decided to press forward with the Barclays ( Asia ) prosecution .
28 It was decided to enter both in the Bendix as well as the Thompson , with Russell Boardman in the R-1 and Russell Thaw in the R-2 .
29 It was made to coincide either with the rising of the river in early summer or with the recession of the waters in autumn when the fertilized fields were ready to be sown .
30 The Indian economy was made to contribute heavily during the First World War , including a gift payment of £100 million .
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