Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [to-vb] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
2 A short time ago Bilal and Samir were expected to arrive at the hospital near Aylesbury .
3 It is , however , a very special kind of autobiography , and may be compared to the accounts of their own lives which the early Methodists were expected to write at the time of their reception into the church : in such spiritual autobiographies divine visitations were singled out for special mention as evidences of God 's grace and power ; they were contrasted with laments over sinful behaviour and backsliding , and led to the culminating moment of conversion .
4 A few years back each golfer used his own collection of chipped and misshapen balls and the caddies were expected to stand at the end of the practice area and collect them .
5 From 140 applicants only seven were selected to perform at the audition finals at London 's Wigmore Hall .
6 ( At one conference delegates were told to talk at the floor because Special Branch had hi-tech microphones trained on the windows to catch the sound-waves . )
7 Whilst they were doing five shows a day and rehearsing at the Paramount , they were told to double at the Lido .
8 When the trains left at once , those stranded were invited to eat at the buffet , heated by fuel filched from locomotives and run by the master and his cronies .
9 Most of us are familiar with the stories of Pavlov 's dogs who were conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell .
10 or Civil Defence work were asked to meet at the village hall .
11 The four men were forced to kneel at the edge of it with their hands bound tightly behind them .
12 At the same time , more IBMers were encouraged to look at the outside via secondments or community links .
13 This study was designed to look at an array of possible influences on diabetic control in a group of diabetic patients in the community in order to identify which factors influenced glycaemic control and to quantify the relative contribution of each .
14 Within two years the choir was booked to sing at the Queen 's Hall in London , and a royal command performance soon followed at Balmoral .
15 At 1200 hrs on 23 May , 1st Guards Brigade put out a warning order that the Army commander was expected to arrive at the battalion HQ of 3rd Grenadier Guards at 1130 hrs the following morning , where he " wishes to see the Brigade commander and COs " .
16 Dunvegan had a well ; the water , Johnson found upon enquiry , was not brackish but hard ; Rorie More 's drinking-horn held two quarts of liquor , ‘ which the heir of Macleod was expected to swallow at a draught … before he was permitted to bear arms , or could claim a seat among the men ’ .
17 Cranmer was summoned to the royal presence and , though protesting his incompetence , was told to stay at the house of the Earl of Wiltshire , Anne Boleyn 's father .
18 A special Court of Governors was requested to meet at the infirmary on Saturday February 19th 1814 at 1 o'clock to elect a physician .
19 Molly Scrutton was invited to teach at a KFA Training Course in Thorpe and she has taught at our own Rallies in Kent and Essex earlier in the year .
20 In August 1988 , Dai Qing was invited to speak at a banquet in Hong Kong held in honour of Liu Binyan , the most famous ‘ investigative reporter ’ of the People 's Daily , the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party .
21 The Silmarillion , though , in its longer form , was bound to begin at the beginning .
22 First , an Open Forum in October called for significantly better club facilities — notably the men 's changing rooms , and a Development Sub-Committee was constituted to look at the suggestion and ways of financing it .
23 He was forced to bend at the waist , looming over him .
24 It was forced to look at the issue again by the introduction of new legislation .
25 Bobby Anscombe , who had reacted badly when he had first heard of the deaf-aid idea , was forced to admit at the end that it might work .
26 His grey eyes met hers and she was forced to smile at the gleam of amusement she saw there .
27 She was forced to stand at the back , squashed between a thin jeans-clad youth with bony shoulders and sharp elbows and a red-faced man with a paunch .
28 Unbelievably , M4 was allowed to rise at a rate of 17.7 per cent in the most recent six-month period .
29 In other words , only one gene was allowed to mutate at a time , and that gene was allowed to change its " value " only by +1 or -1 .
30 The philosophers debated ; St Paul was taken to speak at the Areopagus in Athens " for all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else , but either to tell , or to hear some new thing " ; the House of Commons clears the ground for legislation by public discussion ; and the speakers in Hyde Park orate .
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