Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [adv] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Times have changed dramatically for the worse in Wales , a condition brought on as much as anything by the masochistic fixture-making which has brought about so much contact between the countries since the Welsh were blacked out in the 1987 World Cup semi-final .
2 Consequently , mental phenomena could emerge from a physical system which does not contain neurons at all , if its physical components were arranged together in a particular way .
3 The single cards too were placed variously in the top half , bottom half and crossing the central strip .
4 Our dwelling place was clean and very isolated ; for we were tucked away in a deep hollow , and all around the tumbling sand dunes encompassed us about .
5 Germany , the principal ex-enemy state , lying at the heart of Europe , presented complex problems in 1945 , not least because it was placed under joint occupation by the Big Three and France who were joined together in an Allied Control Council .
6 As with so many of Eliot 's apparently portentous remarks , I fancy that they were uttered partly in a quizzical manner , and that the mock solemnity was intended to convey the idea of a conspiratorial ritual .
7 The quarters were pressed together in a compressed air jig , and then placed on a bench and the panels , mouldings and windows fitted to them .
8 The few gypsies remaining on the site this afternoon , who 've asked not to be identified , claim they were picked on in a motiveless attack .
9 Tumour necrosis factor positive cells were located mainly in the deeper lamina propria , whereas the interleukin 1 signal was diffuse , but predominantin subepithelial macrophages .
10 These producers were carried out in a darkened room .
11 Analyses of covariance were carried out in the first study , and t tests were used in the second study .
12 Until post-war reconstruction began in the 1950s and early 1960s , most building projects were carried out in the traditional manner , with an architect designing the building and managing the contract , a quantity surveyor preparing bills of quantities , valuations and a final account , and a general contractor who actually constructed the building .
13 Several case studies were carried out in the 1970s , of which the Liverpool Inner Area Study ( 1975 ) is of particular interest .
14 The church was rebuilt in the 13th century and further modifications and restoration were carried out in the 15th century .
15 Surveys carried out by the optical profession show that after an initial drop , 12.43 million sight tests were carried out in the financial year ending 1991 .
16 But they were pegged back in the 41st minute when John Bumstead scored with a diving header from Scott Minto ’ s centre .
17 Of the seventy cases which were reported only in the local newspapers in the sample , there were six cases ( 9 per cent ) where the coverage lasted more than one day .
18 In the first twenty-year period , 1951 to 1971 , the News of the World had carried the vast majority of the rape cases which were reported anywhere in the national press ( despite being only a weekly paper ) .
19 The remaining gas drums were torn apart in a huge blast , and a series of titanic explosions ripped through the fuel tanks in their area , the shock wave breaking loose enormous chunks of rock from the roof .
20 Then , to mark the end of the service , three enormous thunder-flashes were let off in the rear gatehouse .
21 Writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s , he argued that advanced capitalist societies were caught up in a major contradiction .
22 Elderly people were caught up in a political , financial and staffing web in which services were run according to the needs of service providers , Harbert told the conference .
23 The police and the Army were caught up in a public order crisis which continues to plague us and which has given rise to the most damaging terrorist campaign .
24 Unless the working classes were caught up in the new sectarian movements of Protestantism ( which were themselves a reaction and response to modernity ) , they were liable to slip into unbelief .
25 Many of the leading scholars amongst the South Slavs during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were widely travelled and had studied in France , Germany , Austria and Italy , where they were caught up in the intellectual ferment which was abroad at that time .
26 Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos .
27 On Jan. 2 fighters of the Fatah group ( loyal to Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) chair Yassir Arafat ) , which had been deployed to protect two Palestinian refugee camps near Sidon , were caught up in the intra-Shia fighting .
28 One day in 1964 , while Richard was playing in Hamlet on Broadway , he and I were interviewed jointly in a private corner of an Eighth Avenue bar and restaurant much frequented by theatre people .
29 The star kissed her three children goodbye before they were whisked away in a chauffeur-driven car with their nanny and John 's brother Patrick .
30 Two Pakistani drug traffickers were beheaded yesterday in the eastern city of Dammam , Saudi Arabia , for smuggling heroin into the kingdom , the Interior Ministry announced .
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