Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] party " in BNC.

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1 We had a good meeting today , the problems were explained to the interested parties and now we are in the hands of the Football League . ’
2 The elections were conducted under a new electoral law passed by the NUP-controlled Assembly in October 1989 , under which additional seats were given to the larger parties , thus allowing them to gain the maximum number of seats with the minimum of votes .
3 Two replies were received from the Labour Party
4 ( 4 ) An order under this section in respect of any costs may only be made if — ( a ) an order for costs would be made in the proceedings apart from this Act ; ( b ) as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , those proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the court is satisfied that the unassisted party will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made ; and ( c ) in any case , the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds .
5 as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , the proceedings were instituted by the assisted party .
6 An order may only be made against the legal aid fund if : ( a ) an order for costs would be made in any event ; ( b ) the proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the unassisted party would suffer severe financial hardship unless an order were made ; and ( c ) in any case the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable for the costs to be paid out of public funds ( Legal Aid Act 1988 , s18(4) ) .
7 Gains were made by the Labour Party , which won 90 seats ( 58 in 1985 ) , and by the Workers ' Party , which won 24 seats ( 20 ) .
8 As is well known , I was one of those who felt that adjustments and changes were needed to the Conservative party and to the policies which were being pursued by the Government .
9 Clearly we were helped by the Falklands factor but , even more , we were helped by the Labour Party .
10 In 1986 some leading Militant supporters from Liverpool were expelled from the Labour Party after bitter arguments on the NEC .
11 There are three important bases for such charges , and two of them were introduced by the Labour party .
12 All three were distributed throughout the Labour Party conference last week in Brighton and all three are available this week in Blackpool .
13 Two of the remaining portfolios were distributed among the Radical Party ( PR ) , and one each to the Party for Democracy ( PPD ) , the Radical Socialist Democratic Party ( PRSD ) , the Liberal Alliance Party ( PAC ) and an independent , Alberto Etchegaray Aubry , who supported the PDC .
14 and the interest rate to 10.5 per cent. , the tax burden on business has been lightened , there is a pay review body for teachers and better standards and choice for parents — all of which were opposed by the Labour party .
15 I expect that the people who made them were influenced by the Labour party 's ’ Standard No. 17 ’ , which was circulated among people in the area .
16 A number of key issues were identified by the working party as essential requirements for Parker 's revised Personnel Information System .
17 Among other parties , unexpectedly low levels of support were recorded for the Green Party ( which did , however , win seats in the Slovak National Council ) , the Socialist Party and Social Democrats .
18 Miners were represented by elderly and fairly conservative MPs who had worked their way up the union hierarchy in the days when mining areas were controlled by the Liberal Party .
19 In the former area , what he terms ‘ traditional Wales ’ , the interests of the tenant population against their English landlords were mobilized by the Liberal party , which has remained relatively strong in the area throughout the present century .
20 Thus the different socio-political contexts were mobilized by the political parties of protest in different ways , producing a more complex electoral geography than would have been the case if Wales had a uniform political culture .
21 In general , political propaganda was already difficult in this ‘ phoney ’ war period , and a number of full-time agents found their appointments terminated , though some special ‘ war grants ’ were paid by the central party organisation .
22 The the the no no no no You were chosen by the Conservative party .
23 The general question of Unionist attitudes to Labour was highlighted at the Special Party Conference in 1917 where Law came under a strong attack .
24 Here again the central place was given to the Labour Party .
25 Initially , a note was given by the three parties as security for payment of the sum .
26 Although led by communists , Hannington 's movement was criticized by the Communist party for failing to politicize the unemployed , large numbers of whom joined the movement only to leave it quickly once work was obtained .
27 No reply was received from the Conservative Party .
28 By a majority of 51 per cent at the start of the campaign , rising to 58 per cent at the end , Conservative partisans claimed that their paper was biased towards the Conservative party .
29 Both in their 70s , they continue to serve life sentences imposed in connection with an abortive coup in that year which was blamed on the Communist Party of Indonesia ( PKI ) .
30 Another throw-back to the past was reported by the Roslavl' Party cell in January : at a volost' meeting an ex-member of the Kadet Party had spoken up against taxation .
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