Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] when [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Long skirts in the middle of the day were acceptable when walking through the halls of Al Ain or Abu Dhabi hotels , but a blue-eyed English woman in black veils and coat ?
2 This ambivalence towards public morality was crucial when set alongside the Unionists " extra-legal activities over Ireland .
3 It could be used in sieges ; it was valuable when used in the open by a lightly armed foot solder ; likewise , a mounted archer , who did not need a first-class horse to ride , could prove to be a very mobile and effective combatant .
4 By the 1980s many asylums had contracted to a size which was dwarf-life when compared with the vast acreages and Palladian pretensions of their heyday .
5 But he was poor when compared with the parents of many of the children who attended his school , even when compared with some of the other teachers .
6 He was angry when questioned about the contrast between war hero and crooked businessman .
7 With this in mind , it was important when moving into the schools market to consider who did the book buying in a school , and where they got their ideas from .
8 But this increase was minuscule when set against the potential gain from an improvement in industrial productivity which would make up only half the gap between Britain and its competitors .
9 The Crown submitted that , even if the defendant 's approach be accepted , the defence could not exclude admissible evidence , even if proper notice of it had not been given , and further argued that Zaidie 's evidence ( confirmed by the defendant ) that an accident was not suggested in the telephone call to him was conclusive when taken with the incontrovertible circumstances of the shooting , thereby suggesting that the ‘ irregularities ’ were not material in the sense that the defence could have profited if they had not occurred .
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