Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The day they were due to set off for France , Shanti had a swathe of her black curly hair bleached and dyed crimson .
2 We were supposed to take off for Malta about 12 hours after leaving Gibraltar but , because of bad weather and ( I think ) intelligence reports about enemy activity around Sardinia and Sicily , we retraced our course and eventually took off about 36 hours from Gibraltar .
3 They sold it Christmas Eve day it was gon na go through the twenty third , Christmas , the day before Christmas erm it was gone and they were supposed to fly over to Spain and they were gon na , gone , exchange a contract to sell it and then she phoned me back and she said I 've got some good news for you , we 've decided not to sell , it 's so beautiful up there and it 's called Los
4 We were lucky to get out of Stalingrad .
5 I could , of course , have added that some of those crowded around the door were likely to end up like Conor unless they backed away from their relentless hedonism , from their incessant living for the moment .
6 Following those frustrations , Dettori only narrowly avoided a final disaster when jockeys ' planes were unable to take off from Newmarket owing to high winds .
7 The response was overwhelming and I was able to raise over £1,000 which was added to other monies raised by the branch of J Sainsbury 's plc where I am employed and we were able to hand over to Terry Scott a cheque for £10,000 .
8 By December 1990 the airframe and the majority of the systems were ready to re-ship back to Chino to be mated with the Nixon-built Griffon engine .
9 Flight TARO 205 was due to take off from Heathrow at 12.50 .
10 Following his visit to Du Pont , Sir Patrick was due to go on to Magherafelt , much of which was destroyed by a bomb explosion yesterday .
11 ‘ The day before I was due to go back to England he asked me to marry him .
12 The Quiberon was due to head back to France at 9am with several huge lorries of fish for France and Spain on board .
13 As soon as it was possible to get out of Sleightholmedale , he wrote to Tamar to tell her that their Uncle George 's condition was worsening rapidly .
14 Time was impossible to measure down in Chard — it always is when you 're a child — and I remember one day chatting to Uncle Cyril and feeling that I 'd been living there for an age .
15 MacLachlan , victor of eight combats over the island , was fortunate to come down on Malta itself , rather than in the sea : ‘ For what seemed like hours I hung there , apparently motionless , with Malta still as far away as ever .
16 I was lucky to move on from Manchester City Art Galleries where after seventeen years I ended up as Senior Keeper of Fine Art .
17 At the age of ten , Connery was supposed to ship out for Australia as a wartime evacuee , but the ship sank .
18 Dexter was glad to get back to Chester Row .
19 I was glad to get back to Britain .
20 One way and another , I was glad to get back to Bourn after this leave for a rest .
21 He was unfortunate to come up against West Indies , playing four fast bowlers for the first time , when he was still an inexperienced leader and the memory of Lillee and Thomson was still raw .
22 ‘ It was important to come back after Saturday , and we always want to win at home .
23 But the suspension also meant that Coker was able to whizz back to Oz for a two-week training camp in Brisbane with Queensland to return having served his time and he missed almost none of the domestic season .
24 The final quarter was virtually all Zimbabwe , although lock Phil Davies was able to charge through for Wales ' fourth try seven minutes from time , which Jenkins again converted .
25 It was a strongly-built castle on an excellent defensive site and the garrison of thirty knights was able to hold out against Richard 's artillery train for nearly two months , but eventually its lord , Arnald de Boville , was forced to capitulate .
26 He was able to pass on to Nicholson authoritative recollections of seeing huge worms crawl out of biscuits , eating a plum that was alive , seeing his wife sitting beside herself and all that kind of hallucinatory experience .
27 Did he feel better or worse that neither the genuine Matthew Prescott nor the spurious Michael Watney was able to get through to Alexandra ?
28 He decided to invade England and landed his troops at Hastings on the south coast , and had established a good bridgehead before the news reached Harold and he was able to journey down from Yorkshire .
29 He loved it and although he was obedient to his great theatrical challenge and returned to Stratford , he was happy to go back after Stratford to star in Legend Of Lovers , a play by Jean Anouilh which had begun life as Eurydice .
30 Everyone was pleased to welcome back to Chichester from the USA Sarah Smith , who went to live in North Carolina in 1980 .
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