Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 At p. 332 it appears to be envisaged that it will depend upon the question whether the label switching was dishonest and coupled with the other elements of the offence of theft or was due to a perverted sense of humour .
2 While hot-eyed youngsters in the West drift ed about like aimless butterflies on summer days , hoping for the long-imagined mate to materialise , in this place the search was cool-eyed and planned with the precision of a military campaign .
3 He knew that he ought to be trying to sleep — he 'd managed no more than about five or six hours in the last fifty — but he was edgy and alert with the cold-water clarity of near-exhaustion .
4 During the final five minutes of this sequence a period of intense activity was obvious and coincided with the emptying of water from the stomach and duodenal bulb .
5 By the 1980s many asylums had contracted to a size which was dwarf-life when compared with the vast acreages and Palladian pretensions of their heyday .
6 But he was poor when compared with the parents of many of the children who attended his school , even when compared with some of the other teachers .
7 The Crown submitted that , even if the defendant 's approach be accepted , the defence could not exclude admissible evidence , even if proper notice of it had not been given , and further argued that Zaidie 's evidence ( confirmed by the defendant ) that an accident was not suggested in the telephone call to him was conclusive when taken with the incontrovertible circumstances of the shooting , thereby suggesting that the ‘ irregularities ’ were not material in the sense that the defence could have profited if they had not occurred .
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