Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some panel members believed that decisions taken by the Children 's Panel were not implemented by the Social Work Department , and therefore threatened the independence and integrity of the Panel .
2 And Tory arguments that the tax would make companies uncompetitive were not looking at the whole picture .
3 Tensions were not eased by the grudging spirit in which toleration had been granted .
4 It looks as if the two books were not conceived as a single entity although they interrelate in the way that Hilton picks up and elaborates aspects of the subject of Scale 1 in Scale 2 .
5 A central committee advisory board was created to accommodate three " old guard " revolutionaries who were not re-elected to the political bureau , namely Souphanouvong , Phoumi Vongvichit and Sisomphone Lovansay .
6 Fellows seems to have acted in the sale of the Grand Union to the Grand Junction , for in a letter to the Grand Union he pointed out that the price would have to be realistic , bearing in mind that they were not dealing with a willing purchaser .
7 Q. Is there any comeback in law is a horse reveals faults which were not declared by the previous owner at the time of the sale ?
8 Calls for democracy along western lines with a multi-party system , free choice of candidates and free elections were not tolerated by the old party leaders , Who clung to centralised ‘ socialist democracy ’ .
9 But these deaths were not caused by an avenging spirit from beneath the sunset .
10 Drawings were not done to a standard scale ; the metric system was just being introduced in France and its conquered territories , where it replaced a range of different miles , fathoms , feet and inches ; and there were no standard interchangeable parts , even nuts and bolts and screws being individual .
11 They were not forewarned of the final paragraph , added by a Vatican envoy : ‘ There is no way the Bishops could want to be disrespectful to His Excellency the Life President of the Republic , whom they hold in high esteem . ’
12 Moreover , some studies suggested that the crucial floating voters were not characterised by a high degree of interest , involvement , and knowledge , but by ignorance and indifference , and they were less involved in following the election campaign than were those who were keenly attached to a party .
13 Flights were not disrupted by the bad visibility .
14 Nor are evolutionary processes progressive or purposive ; the primitive single-celled creatures which were our early forebears were not possessed of a burning imperative , or driven by a mystic higher force , to evolve into sentient humans .
15 But those changes were not met with the politicized and combative attitudes of the past .
16 These , he says , were not overcome without a long struggle .
17 They imposed a ban on all unemployment relief organisations that were not run through the Nazi Party .
18 The valuations are those of estate agent Peter Freitag but , on this occasion , they were not based on the usual detailed investigation of the inside of the houses .
19 The tenders were not received until the following week .
20 The DTI could have responded by saying that the absence of the monitoring return was a serious matter , that it would allow a short extension , but that ‘ consideration would need to be given to revoking the licence if a satisfactory and duly verified monitoring return were not received by the specified date . ’
21 They also knew they were not connected with the humanitarian assistance programme ( NHAO ) that was eventually run for the contras by the State Department , since those aircraft were ‘ beautiful brand-new L-100s , the most beautifully painted things ’ .
22 But their importance was overlaid by the less formal and increasingly numerous letters of the type found in the state papers , the Privy Council 's register , and private collections : letters that conveyed information , advice , admonition , and informal orders ; documents that were not bound by the rigid formularies of legal requirement .
23 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
24 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
25 However , in Re Cadbury Schweppes Ltd 's Agreement [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 307 a parent company and a subsidiary were not treated as a single person where two companies agreed to accept restrictions on the supply of goods to a third which was a subsidiary of one of them .
26 First of all you should eliminate all those who do not have the essential qualifications for the job you listed while you were still being objective and were not influenced by the different personalities of the candidate .
27 She has a lot of fun with Vogue 's heartless frivolity , Paul Theroux ( ‘ I 'd suggest a vasectomy ’ ) and the Surrealists ( ‘ What did these young people do with themselves when they were not engaged in the revolutionary act of sleep ? ’ ) .
28 As a result cooking skills were not registered as an unmet need .
29 ( Four of the homelands — Ciskei , Bophuthatswana , Transkei and Venda — were nominally independent of South Africa , but were not recognized by the international community ; the remaining six were " self-governing " ; all remained heavily dependent on subsidies from South Africa .
30 The frequency of gap junctions between the absorptive cells in the area of the intestinal metaplasia was low ( Fig 4 ) , and gap junctions were not observed in the lateral membranes of goblet cells .
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