Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] in [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , two men were recovering in hospital in Belfast after being shot in the loyalist Shankill Road area during the night .
2 A friend and I were driving in spring to Crarae gardens near Inveraray so I could salivate over the rhododendrons , but we grew tired of travelling at seven miles an hour behind clods in caravans and on reaching the Rest And Be Thankful pulled into the side to wander about at the base of Beinn an Lochain .
3 The hypothesis was that firms were decentralizing in search of reserves of labour , and probably cheaper labour since wages were likely to be lower in areas with high unemployment ( 1976 , pp. 71 — 4 , 102 ) .
4 On the very day his paper went to the General Committee the polytechnic directors were meeting in conference at Coombe Lodge , together with Toby Weaver and others from the DES .
5 They were living in lodgings at Brighton at the time , so as to be near our school .
6 Only a few independent agencies , such as the Red Cross , Médecins sans Frontières , Save the Children Fund and Age Concern , were operating in towns beyond Mogadishu .
7 If some special mechanism such as that implicated in the ‘ Now Print ! ’ theory ( Brown and Kulik , 1977 ; Livingston , 1967a 1967b ) were operating in cases of flashbulb memories it is likely that similar findings would have been observed in the eyewitness testimony literature .
8 whole of the rugby team were lying in front of stage with their
9 He bent and twisted himself before it , jerking suddenly this way and that , as if he were lying in wait for disease , determined to pounce on it before it could strike .
10 But an increase in the supply of dollars implied a persistent US balance of payments deficit ( e.g. exporters to the USA accept payments in dollars , or payments overseas by US residents are made in dollars ) , and this would undermine confidence in the dollar as a reserve currency because dollar claims were growing in relation to US gold reserves .
11 Primates and prelates exercised political power most effectively when they were moving in support of magnate opposition ; against united barons they were impotent .
12 She saw it was herself , there on the canvas ; in fact it was so much herself that she could not believe that she could be both people , one here on the studio floor and one sitting there clasping her knees , her eyes lost in faraway visions , her white feet on wet black rocks against which little waves were breaking in plumes of spray .
13 The sewing industry in Saratov reported that its factories were closing in January through lack of demand for its products .
14 Average sales per customer were running in excess of $100 and the company goal for forty-five to fifty stores within the next five years seemed easily achievable .
15 There should be some monitoring of what the statutory agencies were doing in relation to West Belfast .
16 It has been conjectured that the archers and many of the foot-soldiers who fought at Hastings and feature in the Bayeux Tapestry were fighting in return for pay .
17 I left him with appreciation and went forward into the central dining car where all the actors were sitting in front of coffee cups and poring over typed sheets of stage directions , muttering under their breaths and sometimes exclaiming aloud .
18 There are some diesel-only incentives too ; earlier this year , Peugeot dealers were throwing in £150-worth of diesel fuel with every sale .
19 The pair were starring in Aladdin at Hull when £8,000 of gems , belonging to Janette Tough , who plays Jimmie , were stolen from their dressing room .
20 Following an incident at Merton , in which silty ground water escaped in to the river from a settlement lagoon which the company was using in connection with work on the M forty .
21 BURLY rugby international Moss Keane was recovering in hospital in Dublin today from a vicious mugging attack .
22 A 13-YEAR-OLD boy was recovering in hospital in Cheltenham yesterday after biting his pet dog , which was attacking one of his friends .
23 In effect land redistribution was happening in advance of C C P official policy .
24 In the same breath as admitting that Lightning , the high-end , super-pipelined Sparc chip that it was developing in conjunction with LSI Logic Corp and Hyundai Electronics , was n't going to strike after all , Metaflow Technology also began to talk about a next-generation effort in design that would follow ( UX No 273 ) .
25 Ill health dogged his period at St Mary 's , and he returned for a further period of treatment while he was the curate , and in September 1962 he came to Coniston as the Parish priest and significantly , no further setbacks were experienced to his health while he was living in proximity to Coniston Old Man and during the period he was Parish Priest .
26 He was serving in France in December 1436 under John Talbot , first Earl of Shrewsbury [ q.v. ] , at Gisors , and was by then a knight .
27 Alan set up the legal part of it and the political side and I would come in with the more spiritual side of it : the demand for separation from the Irish Presbyterian Church that was operating in cahoots with O'Neill at that time .
28 He was lying in bed in Miles and Juliet 's spare room .
29 But just around the corner , Death was lying in wait for Dustin once again .
30 By the 1840s Gothic was growing in favour among Nonconformists generally .
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